Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dead Heads Guilty

Move over "man bites dog." You have been replaced by "dead heads" on trial in one of the most bizarre court cases ever to take place in Kindlin,Oklahoma, population 639, in July of 1979.

Improvising on precedents that included arms, hands, ears, and penises ripped off, then reattached, an attorney filed a class lawsuit against "dead heads" throughout the Americas and Africa -- in fact, throughout the world.

In his summation, the attorney exclaimed: "Your Honor, heads taken from people are dead heads, and everyone knows that a dead head can't think. And I have hundreds of 'before' and 'after' pictures showing what these people looked like 'before' and 'after' they lost their heads.

"Your Honor, these -- presently dead heads -- voluntarily submitted to be taken. At no time in over a hundred years has the segment of society that I'm representing in this case used any specific violence that would cause the owners of these heads to no longer want them." At this point the attorney gave some fifteen 8" x 11" glossy black and white pictures to the court clerk who handed them to the Judge.

"Your Honor, you can see at a glance that in the 'before' pictures the people's hair is not straight. And for some reason -- or lack of reason -- a woman invented an iron comb that could burn red-hot and straighten hair. Now, nobody on God's green Earth forced her to invent that comb and market it for women with non-straight hair like hers -- and she became a millionair overnight.

"And, your Honor, hot on the heels of her invention some men with non-straight hair like hers learned that a concoction of lye -- you know that it burns like acid -- and potatoes can straighten non-straight hair. Although after men applied it, it burned their scalp so ferociously that, screaming, they had to quickly leap out of the barber's chair and stick their head in a bucket of cold water to cool their head. Again, your Honor, nobody on God's green Earth forced these men to use that mess on their head.

"At the same time, your Honor, a bleaching cream was filling up the shelves in stores in certain neighborhoods. And, your Honor, if you compare the 'before' pictures -- from the neck up -- with the 'after' pictures you can't help but think that those 'after' heads belong on different bodies, so they're dead-heads.

"Now, as I pointed out, your Honor, the segment of society that I'm representing did not force these people to destroy their heads, making them 'dead-heads.' And in conclusion, your Honor, before these heads became dead-heads, they could think. They boasted of having a culture. And all they had to do was give us back our names and our languages and our religion -- AND GIVE US BACK OUR HAIR -- and these dead-heads would have been saved.

"They could have taken their names and their languages and their religion and their customs from their culture -- AND KEPT THEIR GOD-GIVEN HAIR! . . . Your, Honor, I conclude my summation."

"Counselor, I congratulate you. You have been so clear that I'm sure that even the dead-heads understand you. I, therefore, find this pretended anger by these dead-heads against the segment of society that you're representing to be frivolous and bogus. I know that that segment that you represent wouldn't tolerate for a second people from another culture naming them or giving them a language and a religion. I find these dead-heads guilty of fraud. Case closed."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


In Death . . .

are beautiful people less dead than ugly people?

Are tall, strong people less dead than short, weak people?

Are sane people less dead than crazy people?

Are intelligent people less dead than ignorant people?

Are young and old disciplined males and females less dead than young and old throw-away males and females?

Are Muslims less dead than Christians or Jews or Buddhists or Hindus or Atheists?

Are Afrikans less dead than Europeans? Are Europeans less dead than Asians? Are Indians less dead than mestizos?

Are negative Conservative Republicans less dead than positive Liberal Democrats or Communists or Socialists or Anarchists?

Are wealthy people less dead than dead-beat poor people?

Are city people, accustomed to the amenities of modern living, less dead than desert people, accustomed to less than shit-on-shingles?

Are black nationalists less dead than dumb, hair-straightening CARBON-COPIES? Then, what is this rat-race really all about? NOTHING. Then, WHY bother? WHY? Hell, we ain't dead yet!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ARE THEY . . .

complete fools, these CONSERVERS? Don't they know that the more they try to beat up this one man, President Obama, to commit evil against him, to crucify him, the more the fair-minded, decent Americans and people throughout the world who love righteousness and want peace in the world will sympathize with him?

He's one man, and all these anti-Obama mobs are attacking -- like scumbag thugs. That is how scumbag gangs come at someone. They gang up on one person. That is how the old KKK always attacked. They never attacked a group of blacks, they attacked one black man or one black family, until more and more decent, righteous Christians and non-religious people took their Christian values seriously and rose up against them. We ask again: "Are these CONSERVERS the new KKK?"

Once again a noble soul with a message of peace has appeared on the world scene, and is being crucified by the forces of evil.

These CONSERVERS call themselves Christians -- as the KKK called themselves -- but are they so filled with hate for this black man, President Obama, that they don't care that they and their evil against him are an abomination to Jesus?

Jesus taught: "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called God's sons. Blessed are those persecuted on account of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who's Next?

True or not true -- who knows -- but according to Hollywood, Alexander the Great, played by the now deceased great actor Richard Burton, was asked by several of his generals gathered around him as he lay dying on a field-cot in a tent in Egypt: "Alexander, to whom do you leave your kingdom?"

They waited with abated breath, their eyes on Alexander's lips as he tried to muster the strenght to speak. Finally, in a whisper, he murmured: "To the strongest . . . ."

Millions of years before that murmur, before there were words, when man was still evolving as a hairy ape, "to the strongest" went the spoils, the caves, the hills, the valleys, the bush territory, the women; later, the cities, the countries, the treasure chests, the conquered as slaves, the women.

The "strongest" is like the Heavyweight Champ, and there are always contenders wanting to take his crown.

The United States of America is the strongest, the Heavyweight Champ, and the wanna-be contenders, jealous and envious of its dominance as number One, are always out there. Hitler and his Nazi boys tried us. Tojo's boys tried us with their sneaky, slimy attack on Pearl Harbor and their banzai charges. Mussolini and his fascist boys tried us.

Who's next to try his luck? You Iran? You North Korea?

"HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Step right up, bubba, try your luck."

There're over 3oo hundred million of us here for whom this is the end of the line, got nobody to take us in, no where to go but here, until the Good Lord calls. Our backs are against the wall, we fight to the death.

So, step right up, bubba, if you wanna get to paradise quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Evil is . . .

"Shhhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

as evil does. A man at Fort Hood viciously murdered 13 American soldiers and wounded 44 more -- in the name of his religion -- in a well-thought-out plan. He was not a green man from the moon, he was a Muslim, believing that all infidels, anyone who doesn't believe in Islam, should be killed, especially Americans.

The men who flew planes into the Twin Towers in New York City, killing thousands of Americans -- in the name of their religion -- were not blue people from space, they were Muslims. They had spent years lying and deceiving and planning the atrocity, believing that all infidels, anyone who doesn't believe in Islam -- called a religion of peace -- should be killed, especially Americans.

The people who have been murdering -- in the name of Islam -- American soldiers and citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan with suicide murderers for years -- and continue to do so -- are Muslims.

The blacks of northern Sudan, seat of the Sudan government, practicing genocide against black Christians of southern Sudan are Muslims, imitation Arabs. For some 20 years these black Muslims, with the help of the Arab Janjaweed, have been raping and murdering and burning the villages of black Sudanese Christians, leaving hundreds of thousands of them starving in the Afrikan desert.

The people who have been shouting -- in the name of Islam -- "Kill the Jews, destroy Isreal" are Muslims. There are Muslims who say that they are "good" Muslims, not terrorists, and claim that Islam means peace, but we don't hear them denouncing these evil Muslims, so we cannot distinguish the "good" Muslims from the evil Muslims.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Would Obama be . . .

"Shhhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

. . . President of the United States if his parents had been CARBON-COPIES? Ever take a gander at so-called black newspapers in the 21st century? CARBON-COPIES wouldn' know what the hell is going on in the world if it weren't for the newspapers and magazines and books of whites.

Ever notice who's perennially behind whites educationally, but constantly whining "We's all equal. They's discriminating 'ginst us." Coming out of slavery where for over 200 years it was a punishable crime in the United States to teach slaves (being trained to be CARBON-COPIES of whites) to read or write, white women -- after the Civil War -- by the hundreds from the North voluntarily went down South to educate the CARBON-COPIES. Elementary schools and colleges were established for the CARBON-COPIES. World War II provided the G.I. Bill, paying veterans to attend colleges and univerisities, and Affirmative Action for decades has lowered test scores at colleges and universities so that CARBON-COPIES could enter. Now -- in the 21st century -- CARBON-COPY kids taunt other CARBON-COPY youngsters -- who strive to excel in their studies -- by saying: "Ya'll trying to be lak white folks." Deal with that ignorance, o' wise-perennial-hangeroners of Affirmative Action.

The moment you enter a Vietnamese or Korean or Chinese or Japanese or Italian or Arab or Russian or Jewish community you know it. The language of their respective culture is on their stores, shops, restaurants, theaters, clubs, places of entertainment.

What language do you see on the businesses of CARBON-COPIES? None, because they have no businesses -- other than whooping and hollering churches, barbershops, and hair-straightening parlors. And they have no cultural language to put on them. They copy features from the culture of whites and place "black" before them, "black" English ("we is," "he have," "she do," etc.), "black" Santa Claus, "black" Jesus, "black" community (an inferior imitation of the white community).

It is a "culture" that extols excelling in physical activities requiring a minimal use of the brain rather than intellectual prowess. How much intellectual power does it take to bounce a basketball or run with a football or pitch and bat a baseball? Sports are great and many CARBON-COPY athletes have been very successful, but a "culture" centered around sports is crap.

When has this "black" culture ever produced a Nobel Prize winner in physics, medicine, science, chemistry, technology? Where are the grocery stores, restaurants, cultural outlets, clubs, theaters, places of entertainment of this "black" culture?

Without the places of entertainment of whites, CARBON-COPY entertainers would have no place and no people to entertain.

Any "culture" that hasn't been able to rid its people of a monumental inferiority complex about its hair -- has CARBON-COPY women strutting around with their hair dyed blond or red or brown, or hiding it under a white woman's wig, looking like two different fools at the same time -- isn't worth a damn.

So, if Obama in his formative years had been vicitimized by this shallow, worthless "black" culture of CARBON-COPIES would he be President of the United States?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Non-Voters" Scam

"It's one of the oldest scams in the world -- it's as old as silence," an official who asked not to be named said. "It crosses political, racial, cultural, and religious lines," he added. "Politicians do it, using 'abstain.' "

According to this official the scam is not only local and national, it's international, in all countries. He pointed out that the political freedom in the United States didn't fall out of the sky, that it was established through years of men and women protesting with the written and spoken word, with their bodies being beaten -- even to death, sacrificing their very lives.

"It was not established by these damned parasites who scurry like rats from the struggle to improve the society in their own country to get to the United States and free-load and frollick in the benefits gained -- at a heavy price -- by many U.S. citizens," he said.

The official stated unequivocally that given the years of struggle it took to establish this democratic system, he associates the "non-voter" with the free-loading parasites who come here to live la dulce vida, leaving the social struggle to others in their homeland.

"It's not dangerous to vote in our country," he said. "Not like in some Islamic countries --even some Afrikan and Latin American countries -- where they send in thugs to beat and terrorize -- even shoot and use suicide murderers to kill voters. And American soldiers -- young people -- are over there in Iraq and Afghanistan dying in that ignorant, backward mess."

He concluded by saying, "A non-vote is a negative. It's a 'no,' a way of not being censured for taking a stand for or against something. And even though the 'non-voters' think they'er presenting themselves as neutral -- remember Macheavelli?" : "Never be neutral for the victor will consider you part of the spoils and the vanquished will have no room for you in his cave."

Monday, November 2, 2009


Brain-depots, originating in the lower animal kingdom, and we evolving from these uga, uga, uga cuties inherit and carry on. Some hulking, hairy ancestor somewhere on this planet, a club in one hand, a brunette by the hair in the other, dragging her into his brain-depot cave. An indelible image.

And far to the south, across the mediterranean, in a dark place, another ancestor, a strip of leopard skin across his loins, a fighting stick in one hand, a long strip of lion's skin about the necks of six woolly-haired women, leads them to his brain-depot in the bushes.

And far to the land of the rising sun, a diminutive woman, head obediently bowed, taking quick diminutive steps, maintains three steps, obedient to the brain-depot code, behind a diminutive man.

Enter the American women, the storm-troopers, into the New World. Out from the confining brain-depots of Europe; out from structured, cloistering traditions. The big, open-country New World a dare to figuratively let their hair down, literally loosen that high, tight collar of that ankle-length, loose-fitting dress. The man, confronting undreamed of hazards to conquer the plains; no time to stand on cermony;give her a gun; help defend the log cabin, woman.

And she looked courageously beyond that brain-depot, risking dangerous journeys, intellectually and physically, a few thoughts and a few feet at a time into still prohibited places, ignoring a thunderous, murderous cry:

"Hold rallies? Speak in Public? How dare them! Next they'll want to vote! Stone them! Set fire to the buildings where they're speaking!"

Some screaming, barely escaping the burning buildings.

"You've fought heroically, ladies."

Others lag.

Envious, jealous of your hard-earned strut. We see them -- welcoming the 21st century, hearing: "Drive a car? -- like American women? Not in our culture! Vote and hold political office? Not in our culture! Get an education? Not in our culture! In our culture you stay at home and wash and iron and clean -- and travel? From the bedroom to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the bedroom!"

We see them, face closed, plodding down a street, a small child walking at each side of her, a baby strapped to her back, another held on her left hip with her left hand, another pushed in a buggy with her right hand, and another in her belly.

The culture is robbed of half its brain-power; the society is a stagnant, backward brain-depot.