Saturday, August 29, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Senator Ted kennedy

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

Friday, August 28, 2009, as thousands of Americans filed pass the casket of Senator Ted Kennedy who devoted his life to Liberls' efforts to protect Americans from racist CONSERVERS, the CONSERVERS loaded onto buses to travel to 50 States to harangue against Liberals and their efforts to change the wrongs in American society.

To conserve or to change? To be CONSERVERS (reactionaries) or Liberals (Progressives)? Those are the questions.

In the days when blacks were chattel slaves in the Americas, the slaveholders were CONSERVERS and the Abolitionists were the Liberals, the Progressives. The CONSERVERS and the Liberals attended church and prayed faithfully.

The preachers of the CONSERVERS taught that blacks were not humans and that the teachings of Jesus Christ about humans loving each other did not apply to the black "heathens." The CONSERVERS prayed when they got out of bed every morning, prayed at breakfast, prayed at lunch, prayed at dinner (supper); they prayed at work, prayed at school, and prayed when they went to bed at night; they prayed that they could always keep blacks in chattel slavery.

The Liberals, the Abolitionists, prayed that the CONSERVERS would change, would accept the Christian values that they preached and prayed about, that they would believe that all people were the children of God. Many Abolitionists believed that the CONSERVERS were the personafication of evil, the Devil incarnate and should be destroyed. John Brown -- may his soul rest in peace -- was hanged, sacrificed his lfe in an armed attack against the slaveholding CONSERVERS.

Today, in August of the 21st century, when millions mourn the death of Senator Ted Kennedy, a Liberal who dedicated his life to fighting evil, the CONSERVERS, livid, grinding and gnashing their teeth, that a black man is President of the United States and has selected an Hispanic woman to be a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, they use radio shows, books, newspapers and magazines and travel throughout the United States teaching racial hatred.

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Lightening Up

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

"I wanna have a baby by a white man so my baby will have light skin and good hair," she said. She was a young CARBON COPY woman and she was on a nationally televised talk-show in 1996.

"Mejorando la raza" ("Improving the race"), they say in "Latin" (mestizo) America when a mestizo or white man fills a CARBON COPY woman's belly with a mulatto baby.

The deliberate, methodical effort of non-whites -- especially "black" and brown people -- throughout the western world and parts of Afrika to whiten themselves is proof of their inferiority. If one feels inferior, he or she is inferior. Witness CARBON COPY women -- in the 21st century -- still straightening their hair with red-hot iron combs or using 20,000 chemicals on it to simulate the hair of white women or hiding their hair under white women's wigs or attaching rope-like false plaits to it to have long hair to imitate the hair styles of the white woman. These CARBON COPY women of every generation have been passing that monumental inferiority complex onto their children.

Slow it down "black" people; slow it down brown people. Keep on grooving on the variety side, but use a contraceptive. In many countries -- Argentina, Cuba, Puerto Rico, to name a few -- the Indian has disappeared. In others -- through Culture-ritis (see blog entitled Definition) -- the mestizos are slowly wiping them -- and the "blacks" -- out through the bedroom.

Having been born and raised in multiracial United States it would be boring and disgusting to live in a monoracial society where 95% of the people were all of one color. These non-white people need to update their culture to rid themselves of their destructive inferiority complex.

Let History Record It.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Home-Grown Terrorists

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

The Home-Grown Terrorists do not self-destruct. They do not fly planes into our buildings; do not strap bombs about their waist and blow up women and children in schools, hospitals, restaurants, and at bus-stops.

The Home-Grown Terrorists, however, do hide. They do not slink around at night in white hoods and white bedsheets, desercreting the Cross -- symbol of the Crucifixion -- with racial hatred. They hide where we least expect to see them. They hide totally visible before our very eyes.

We see them on their television shows, read them in their newspapers, books, and magazines; we hear them on their radio shows. They call themselves and their silly followers WONDERFUL AMERICANS, TRUE AMERICANS, GREAT AMERICANS, TRUE CONSERVERS OF AMERICANS' RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS.

The Home-Grown Terrorists are so confident of their absolute control of their gullible racist followers that they giggle and praise themselves on their radio shows; proof to them of their success at terrorizing the minds of their racist followers is the millions of dollars that they mulct from them through books, periodicals, and personal appearances.

The Home-Grown Terrorists sow anger, racial hatred, and distrust among Americans, haranguing them to buy guns, to arm themselves to kill other Americans.

Soon Anglo American, Afrikan American, Hispanic American, Asian American, and Indian American soldiers on and off the battlefields will be afraid to turn their back on each other.

Then, this vast segment of racist trash -- visible to the entire world -- raising havoc in Anglo American culture of the 21st century will truely clap their hands and laugh and dance. Under the mask of TRUE CONSERVERS of America, their racism will have put racial hatred back on the front burner in the United States. And the foreign terrorists -- undercover in the United States -- will come out to play.

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Reap The CONSERVERS

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

"We hope he fails!" the CONSERVERS rant. They do not say that they hope that a program he proposes fails. They want to be sure that everyone understands that it is the man, the Afrikan American, who dared to occupy the White House, whom they want to see fail.

"He's trying to change our society!" the CONSERVERS bellow. Sound familiar? Isn't that what the racist segregationists screamed in the '60s when they, Christians -- in uncivilized mobs -- cursed and spit on small African American children walking pass them to enter schools where they could get an education.

"He's taking away our Christian values, our God-given rights!" the CONSERVERS rage, grinding and gnashing their teeth. Deja vu.

"We must conserve our liberties! Organize against him! This is our country! Our White House!" the CONSERVERS wail.

Remember the slaveholders and their millions of sympathizers organizing and starting a Civil War to maintain their rights? Remember the police brought out in droves to protect Christian values and whites' rights by beating and stomping Afrikan American men, women, and children, and loosing vicious police dogs on them for marching peacefully with Dr. Martin Luther King to change a society founded on anti-black racist laws and a Supreme Court of only white men -- with Christian values -- declaring that blacks had no rights that whites were bound to respect?

Wonder what Afrikan American soldiers on the battlefield in Iraq and Afghanisgtan think when they listen to or read of the CONSERVERS of today and think of the CONSERVERS of the past and the future.

Let History Record It.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . One Size Fits All.

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

"One size fits all." On August 8 & 9, 2009 at Chino California Prison, that belief is what caused that violence -- not overcrowding -- between "blacks" and Mexicans. The news agencies use the words "Hispanics" or "Latinos," but it's always primarily between "blacks" and Mexicans.

In the 15th century a.d., the Spaniards brought blacks from stoneage Afrika into stoneage Indianlands, now called the Americas. The Portuguese, French, and English followed on their heels with more blacks.

Now, we have "Latin" America. How can blacks and Indians be Caucasians -- as Latins are -- except in their brainwashed dreams.

Anti-white, anti-black, anti-brown, and anti-red feelings are now rampant throughout the Western Hemisphere. Given that ethnic groups compete in the economic, political, and cultural arenas, these racist feelings are not surprising. And it shouldn't be surprising that the group with overwhelming numerical superiority and the most advanced culture will be more prone to flex the most muscle -- witness the Mexican-American war, the Indian-American wars, the enslavement of Afrikans -- leaving those numerically inferior with Culture-ritis, and more likely to attack each other.

It's ironic that "blacks" and Mexicans should be in constant conflict. They have much in common; both groups have identity questions. The Mexicans do not take the identity of their Indian ancestors; and the "blacks" (carbon copies) do not take Afrikan identities as did Afrikan ancestors who got off of the slave boats in the Americas, although many pretend to identify with their Afrikan heritage.

And what happened to the thousands of black slaves that the Spaniards had in Mexico?

Many Mexicans and "blacks," without the culture of Caucasians providing them with jobs or hope of jobs to buy food would suffer greatly. Culture-ritis has kept "blacks" from creating businesses for themselves, and Culture-ritis has also motivated Mexicans for generations to run, walk, and crawl across scorching deserts -- many dieing in the attempt -- swim across rivers, tunnel across the border to get out of their country and into the United States for survival.

"Blacks" are always accusing only whites of being anti-black racists, as if there were no brown or red or yellow or "black" anti-black racists. If "blacks" dislike white racists so much why do they want the names and languages of whites? Why do they straighten their hair and dye it blond or red to simulate the hair of whites or hide their hair under white women's wigs, and use bleaching creams to lighten their skin, and worship in a religion that is totally white-oriented? Why wouldn't they take some religious beliefs from their Afrikan ancestors and update them? Answer: "Their so-called black culture (Culture-ritis) doesn't qualify them to think beyond what was passed on to them from dead slavemasters via "black" preachers.

Not everyone in these ethnic groups is guilty of racial hatred. But how do we distinguish them without a program? Unless there is personal contact, one can't. So, we have: "niggers are. . . . spics are. . . fish-bellies are. . . wops are. . . chinks are. . . redskins are. . . ."

Is there a way out of the mess? Only when we become tough enough to acknowledge that those who hide behind "One size fits all" are as common as dirt, and that there are always exceptions -- but keep your powder dry.

Let History Record It

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Israel's Enemies

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

They are not all in the Middle East; they are in England, France, the United States, and many other countries. They sit safely in their homes, restaurants, clubs, and meetings -- thousands of miles from Israel and some Muslim man, woman, or youngster wrapped in a bomb, and detonating it.

They sit on a bus or wait at a bus stop or sit in a school or hospital filled with children or the elderly without thinking that a missile from terrorists might destroy them at any moment.

Most of these enemies have never even been to Israel, have never had their faces splashed with the blood of their child or husband or wife whose body was torn apart by a bomb or bullets from empty-headed terrorists "glorifying" their "rightousness" by killing Jewish men, women, and children.

These enemies of Israel in England, France, the United States, and many other countries a long distance from the Middle East, dare to presume that they know what Israel should and should not do. They safely prance up and down in their countries fat-mouthing their anti-Semitism like Monday-morning quarterbacks and armchair revolutionaries.

NOBODY knows better what Israel needs and needs to do to defend itself against millions of religion-crazed enemies than the Jews of Israel.

These incompetent, chaotic, contradictory Palestinians would bite the Jewish hands that feed them and give them jobs.

Let History Record It.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . The Bush Factor

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

But for the Bush factor, Obama might not have been elected President of the United States. There was that ever-present image of a hand-full of white men waltzing into Afrika where they were outnumbered a million to one by black people, but in short time had efficiently take over that Continent.

They had built modern cities and homes among millions of black people living in grass huts with goats and chickens, had brought in schools and the written word and new languages and newspapers among millions of illiterate black people.

Centuries earlier they had given free rides across the Atlantic to blacks to pick cotton in the Americas. But after hundreds of years in the United States, and becoming "blacks" (CARBON-COPIES), the "blacks" had not learned -- in spite of tons of "black" preachers, teachers, and leaders -- to put together a culture that could withstand the assault of the latest generation of "black" teenage boys -- and many adult men; they walked into the 21st century wearing their britches down to their knees, displaying their stink bloomers and behinds in public; they hurled the word "nigger" at each other in public, causing many civilized himans a bothersome thought: "Can there be some genetic difference between whites and blacks impeding the latter from reaching the intellectual level of the former?

"Why in the 1990s -- when whites were walking in space -- did the Hutu tribe in Rwanda take machetes and savagely hack hundreds of thousands of helpless Tutsi men, women, and children to pieces? And why were other tribes in other Afrikan countries kidnapping children and forcing them to become child-soldiers and killers in tribal wars?"

Yet, George W. Bush, as President of the United States, ignored that unflattering image and that bothersome thought. He judged Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, both Afrikan Americans, by their deportment and ability, selecting the former to be United States Secretary of State, and the latter to be his National Security Advisor and, later, to be United States Secretary of State; positions so high in the United States government that no other President had dared defy the country's racists and select and Afrikan American to fill.

He prepared the way for millions of Americans to also look past that unflattering image and that bothersome thought, and vote for an Afrikan American to be President of the United States.

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Bush-bashing, Obama-bashing

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

He was one man, surrounded by many Generals and Cabinet members -- experts in their fields -- and members of the House and Senate, and millions of citizens, thousands who voted for him, and thousands who voted against him.

If incorrect information was given to him, weren't there enough intelligent people supporting him and opposing him in this country to have prevented him from attacking Iraq?

Bashing former President G.W. Bush is comparable to bashing Hitler -- though his name is synonomous with evil -- for starting World War II, but saying nothing about the people in Germany and England and France and Russia and the United States who, obviously, were not intelligent and courageous enough -- being caught up in the beauty and wonderfullness of themselves -- to oppose his early evil moves. Six million Jewish men, women, and children would not have been viciously tortured and murdered.

It is comparable to blaming the reactionary, racist talk-show hosts for flaming the fires of hatred against President Obama, but saying nothing about their ignorant racist supporters. These talk-show bigots would have no radio show without their racist followers.

Let History Record It.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . A Definition

(this, my first blog, was lost. I repeat it)

Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

Culture-ritis, unlike arthritis which generally attacks elderly people, is a disease that ferments in the minds of enfants at birth. Many observers of the disease postulate, however, that the disease incubates in the child even as it is forming in its mother's womb. They contend that a trait of it -- the inability to think intelligently -- is inherited from the mother and father.

Culture-ritis, like arthritis, causes severe pain, but it is the mind and not physical parts of the body that twists into gnarled, ugly, excrutiating agony; and this agony of Culture-ritis is aggrevated when the person is asked to think objectively of the worth of his or her culture in the context of the 21st century or when it confronted stronger cultures in past centuries.

There is irrefutable evidence -- presented in these blogs -- that the disease, Culture-ritis, afflicts "people of color" -- especially so-called "blacks" and Indians and mestizos more than people of the caucasian race.

Let History Record It.

Culture-ritis . . . Foul on Empty

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

Uncivilized, like dumb animals, britches down to their knees, displaying their filthy, stink behinds, they fill the streets, city buses, schools, and stores.

On the streets and city buses from Miami, Florida to San Francisco, California, CARBON-COPY men, women and youths are the most loud-mouthed, filthy-mouthed people in public.

In the schools and the streets and on the buses every third word from the mouth of ignorant CARBON-COPY youths is ". . . and the nigger" this ". . . and the nigger" that -- and only when whites use the word is there an outcry and lawsuits from CARBON-COPY adults.

After over a hundred years of "black" schools and "black" teachers, it's still: "he have . . . we was . . . she do," etc., etc., etc. Aren't people the product of their culture? What does this tell us about this "black" culture we're constantly hearing about? It's nothing more than displaying some Afrikan trinkets -- but no Afrikan language -- adding rope-like false plaits to one's hair to make it long, and taking features from the culture of whites and placing "black" before them: "black" English, "black" Santa Claus, "black" Christianity, etc., etc., etc.

And the fear and violence in the "black" communities? CARBON-COPIES are in the grip of Culture-ritis.

All of this chaos after generations of "dynamite leaders," three and four "black" churches in every block in the "black" communities, and 20,000 "black" preachers whooping 'n' hollering, and "black" congregations shouting and kicking over chairs and benches. All emotion, and learning nothing. Leaving the church every Sunday after a 2-hour emotional fix; similar to a drug addict leaving a dope-house after a heroin fix.

Let History Record It