Sunday, December 27, 2009


"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

". . . we put some kindlin' on them nigguhs heads didn' we?"

They broke out in raucous laughter, giving each other high-fives. There were eight or nine of them sitting around a table under a tree in the park. Could have been any park in any city in the United States. The city was sunny Los Angeles, 2009.

In 1972, some 37 years before, Richard Hatcher, the Afrikan American mayor of Gary, Indiana called for a national black convention to deal with the crime and violence in Afrikan American communities. Some 8000 delegates, Afrikan American political and civil-rights leaders and mayors attended the convention.

". . . you should'a seen the nigguh's eyes," one of the youths was saying, "when he seen my bat coming at his nigguh head --"

"Did'ja tune him up?" another said, smiles brightened faces in anticipation of laughter.

"Did I -- the nigguh's in the hospital ain't he?" The laughter came, fists pounding the table. Self-hate anyone?

At the Afrikan American convention in Gary, Indiana, the 8000 delegates had agreed that the CULTURAL CRISIS was the KEY CRISIS of Afrikan American life.

". . . but if the nigguh dies, you -- we all might go down," a youth at the table said.

"No problem," another scoffed. "We teenagers, they can't do nut'n to us . . ."

"And if we go to juvenile," another piped up, "we jes hook up wit' some mo' of our homies there . . ."

"Yeah," said another, "and if we git some lawyers and these nigguhs talking 'bout how we all come from broken homes and no daddies, and we po' young blacks wit' no role models -- shit, we ain't goin' no where . . ."

"Say that!" several around the table boasted, slapping high-fives.

In 1989, ABC hosted a 1-hour show narrated by three Afrikan American correspondents. Carol Simpson, one of the correspondents, put, in an experiment, pictures of black children and white children on a table and asked black children, "Who is the pretty one in this picture?" All of the black children pointed to the white children.

"Who is the smart one," she asked. All of the black children pointed to the white children. Those children are representative of what so-called Afrikan American "culture" has produced.

The moment one enters a Vietnamese or Korean or Chinese or Japanese or Hispanic or Italian or Arabic or Anglo or Jewish or Russian community, one knows it. The language of their respective culture is on their stores, shops, restaurants, theaters, and clubs. They have cultural centers teaching their unique language, names, dances, customs, history -- their unique identity. They have a strong cultural base, bond around it, promote it, and prosper.

Where is the Afrikan American cultural center that teaches and promotes Afrikan American culture in any Afrikan American community? There isn't one because there isn't any feature of an Afrikan American culture in existence, except for KWANZAA. And most of the people involved in that celebration -- after over forty years -- still can't correctly pronounce the Swahili words used in the celebration.

If Afrikan American "leaders" declared, some 37 years ago, that the CULTURAL CRISIS was the KEY CRISIS of Afrikan American life, what have they done about it. NOTHING.

Ninty-nine percent of "blacks" throughout the Western Hemisphere are still, in the 21st century, nothing more than shoddy examples of CARBON COPIES of Anglos or Spaniards or French people or Portuguese. A few are trying to melt into Arabic or Indian or Jewish culture.

Without a strong cultural base, "blacks" shall soon disappear as did the people who were Indians, but after the arrival of Spaniards they disappeared into "Latinos."

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

OBAMA vs. AIR-HEAD "blacks"

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Get your RACE-CARD updated. They call themselves "The Guardians of Black Interests." Another group calls themselves "The Black Be-Heads." Some call them The Black AIR-HEADS. Finally, we have the "Chronicles Support Blacks." They're neither "black" nor news chronicles. If it weren't for white newspapers, magazines, and books we wouldn't know what in the hell was going on in the world, unless it concerned food stamps, welfare checks,and "whooping and hollering preachers."

These people are so ignorant, they don't realize that they're WALKING CONTRADICTIONS or they're "black" SCHIZOPHRENICS who don't know who or what in the hell they are!

Their only purpose for existing is to hear the "black" masses say: "Dey is defending us rights." On the one hand these AIR-HEADS are constantly demanding that "black" people be treated the same as all other American citizens while at the same time they're demanding that President Obama GIVE "black" people preferential treatment because they're "black."

They, these AIR-HEADS (CARBON COPIES who take their names, language, religion, and customs from whites) started criticizing and opposing Obama's economic proposals before he was in office a year because he didn't shape his proposals to FAVOR "black" people.

President Obama said: "The most important thing I can do for the African American community is the same thing I can do for the American community, period, and that is get the economy moving again and get people hiring again . . . It's a mistake to start thinking in terms of particular ethnic segments of the United States rather than to think that we are all in this together and we are all going to get out of this thing together . . . ."

When these "black" AIR-HEADS or IGNORAMOUSES or SCHIZOPHRENICS or whatever in the hell they are heard this they fell, screaming and slobbering at the mouth, on their shiny brown desks or computer keyboards or pulpits.

The words "economy moving" and "hiring" scared them to death. They knew that they couldn't play the RACE-CARD, their meal ticket, with him. Who drives the economy? WHITES.

Who creates the jobs and does the hiring? WHITES.

These CARBON COPIES have been whining about jobs for over a hundred years, and haven't created two jobs.

Those who raised President Obama never allowed AIR-HEAD HUSTLERS to pound him into that deep rut of tribal ignorance -- playing the RACE-CARD -- and that's why he's so much more intelligent than these "black" HUSTLERS who oppose him; ignorance hates intelligence.

Let History Record It

Saturday, December 12, 2009


"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

THE GREAT WHITE, BLACK, RED, YELLOW, BROWN HOPE explains it. It's "Win for our TRIBE, our TOWN, our STATE, our NATION."

It came out of that peculiar time in the twentieth century when the white tribe could dictate that only white men could be seen as Heavywwight Champion of the world; black men, therefore, were not allowed to compete for that title.

A non-black did not care and could not even imagine the anger and bitterness pulsating the blood stream of members of the black tribe, and remaining just below the surface of the skin with this act of overt oppression.

Enter Jack Johnson.

Not just in the pugilistic arena did members of the black tribe seeth from the oppresion. They seethed from its monumental presence in the employment market, public eating and sleeping accomodations, and in POLITICS.

For over two centuries the United States -- and the world -- had been so accustomed to only men from the white tribe being Presidents in countries where the white tribe was the overwhelming majority that when Barack Obama, a man from the black tribe, became President of the United States, it stunned the CONSERVER members of the white tribe, and shocked black tribes all over the world.

'A man from that black tribe is President of the United States,' the cry went out from the CONSERVERS, 'the most powerful nation in the world! Why that is unthinkable, unbelievable, and unacceptable! Didn't they see our CONSERVER candidate not even deign to look at that black man during their debates?

'We must pray that he fails! We must be against every proposal he makes to get us out of this financial and military mess! We must preach that he's linked to the Muslim terrorists, that he's a socialist, a communist -- and not even born in the United States!'

Enter Sarah Palin.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

So-called 'black' culture breeds them with: "They stopped me for no reason, telling me that I fit the profile of a suspect they was looking for. They ain't got no business messing wit' me when I ain't done nothing -- they's racists and I know my rights. I tol' 'em to go to hell and git the shit out'er my face. They tried to cuff me, and I fought 'em -- all three of 'em, wit' they guns and clubs. They vench'ly took me down, but they knows um a man . . . ." That's the 'black' culture formula, taught by example.

You grow up hearing: "That's my son, he's a good boy and nobody can make me b'lieve he'd commit no crime" or "She's my child, a church-going child, and she wouldn' do nothing wrong -- it's racism, but they don't know who they messing wit'. Um gittin' the NAACP and that civil rights preacher, we puttin' a stop to this racist mess . . . ."

You're walking down a street in a 'black' community in the 1970s and you see cars pulling up to stop signs and traffic lights, and young 'blacks' run out to the cars, trying to sell drugs to the occupants, white or 'black'. Every fifteen or twenty feet, one approaches you. "You straight? You need any thang?" he asks. It's broad daylight, 'blacks' profiling themselves. Any passing policeman can arrest dozens. And race hustlers whine, "This racist profiling of black men is filling these jails and prisons with innocent black men . . ."

'Okay, sir,' the policeman says to the suspect, 'you and I know the profiles of each other we were given in our formative years, and there's been -- and still is -- evidence in these streets to support those profiles. But as a policeman I've been authorized by the government to keep the peace, and given a gun and a club to defend that authority and myself against disrespect. And as long as I wear this badge, that's what I'm gonna do.

'Once you and I accept that, we can resolve this problem that I stopped you for. Doesn't mean that those profiles we have of each other aren't always with us, just means that we have to try to stand above them -- if they don't apply to you and me -- but we're all profiled, policemen, lawyers, athletes, preachers, races, nationalities . . . .'

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Circumcising Girls

Fighting over female circumcism broke out at the City Council of Kindlin, Oklahoma, population 639, on Wednesday night, June 10, 1999. The chairman of Dare to be Different, a cultural organization, was reading his presentation to the Council when the altercation occurred. Below are excerpts from that report:

"Perhaps it is because Kindlin is a small prairie town surrounded by so much empty, arid land of tumbleweeds that we attract people accustomed to living on deserts and in the Bush in other countries -- and we have no problem with their presence here.

"What does disturb us, however, is that these people carry on cultural practices not in accordance with ours. One such practice is that of circumcizing young girls, cutting out their clitoris so that they will not enjoy sex, and, thus, are not likely to engage in it before their wedding night. In addition to cutting out the clitoris, they sew up the vagina and don't cut it open until their wedding night.

"This is a barbaric practice that began many centuries ago in the Dark Ages, using sharp-edged rocks to cut out the clitoris; later, broken glass was used -- and still used among many desert and bush people. Imagine the pain and suffering these young girls go through; many become infected and die, others bleed to death.

"We want a law passed against this barbaric practice because, as Afrikan Americans we know that many of our people -- those of us in Dare to be Different included -- are promoting an Afro-centric identity by identifying with cultural features of Afrikan ancestors who got off of those slave ships. We do this, however, selectively. We identify with Afrikan names, and with Swahili as our cultural language, and customs conducive to progress. We flush superstitious-ridden crap down the toilet.

"There are some Afrikan Americans, however, so stupid that they believe in witchcraft, throwing bones and dirt in the air to diagnose an illness. I suppose if one of them needs and operation, he'll use a sharp-edged rock as a knife --" The speaker was interrupted by loud protests. One protester was heard to say, "Y'all hear that? Somebody ought to kick his ass!"

" --- and some have withdrawn from our towns and cities," the speaker continued, "and live in grass huts; they go about bare foot, wearing only a cloth pulled around their loins, and the women walk about bare breasted, their breasts flopping.

"Now, many Afrikan Americans are so dumb and impressionable we just know that some are going to be circumcizing their young daughters --"

"He's criticizing black people!" some black in the audience screamed, jumping to his feet and throwing a chair at the speaker. That was when members of Dare to be Different and another faction of blacks began fighting.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dead Heads Guilty

Move over "man bites dog." You have been replaced by "dead heads" on trial in one of the most bizarre court cases ever to take place in Kindlin,Oklahoma, population 639, in July of 1979.

Improvising on precedents that included arms, hands, ears, and penises ripped off, then reattached, an attorney filed a class lawsuit against "dead heads" throughout the Americas and Africa -- in fact, throughout the world.

In his summation, the attorney exclaimed: "Your Honor, heads taken from people are dead heads, and everyone knows that a dead head can't think. And I have hundreds of 'before' and 'after' pictures showing what these people looked like 'before' and 'after' they lost their heads.

"Your Honor, these -- presently dead heads -- voluntarily submitted to be taken. At no time in over a hundred years has the segment of society that I'm representing in this case used any specific violence that would cause the owners of these heads to no longer want them." At this point the attorney gave some fifteen 8" x 11" glossy black and white pictures to the court clerk who handed them to the Judge.

"Your Honor, you can see at a glance that in the 'before' pictures the people's hair is not straight. And for some reason -- or lack of reason -- a woman invented an iron comb that could burn red-hot and straighten hair. Now, nobody on God's green Earth forced her to invent that comb and market it for women with non-straight hair like hers -- and she became a millionair overnight.

"And, your Honor, hot on the heels of her invention some men with non-straight hair like hers learned that a concoction of lye -- you know that it burns like acid -- and potatoes can straighten non-straight hair. Although after men applied it, it burned their scalp so ferociously that, screaming, they had to quickly leap out of the barber's chair and stick their head in a bucket of cold water to cool their head. Again, your Honor, nobody on God's green Earth forced these men to use that mess on their head.

"At the same time, your Honor, a bleaching cream was filling up the shelves in stores in certain neighborhoods. And, your Honor, if you compare the 'before' pictures -- from the neck up -- with the 'after' pictures you can't help but think that those 'after' heads belong on different bodies, so they're dead-heads.

"Now, as I pointed out, your Honor, the segment of society that I'm representing did not force these people to destroy their heads, making them 'dead-heads.' And in conclusion, your Honor, before these heads became dead-heads, they could think. They boasted of having a culture. And all they had to do was give us back our names and our languages and our religion -- AND GIVE US BACK OUR HAIR -- and these dead-heads would have been saved.

"They could have taken their names and their languages and their religion and their customs from their culture -- AND KEPT THEIR GOD-GIVEN HAIR! . . . Your, Honor, I conclude my summation."

"Counselor, I congratulate you. You have been so clear that I'm sure that even the dead-heads understand you. I, therefore, find this pretended anger by these dead-heads against the segment of society that you're representing to be frivolous and bogus. I know that that segment that you represent wouldn't tolerate for a second people from another culture naming them or giving them a language and a religion. I find these dead-heads guilty of fraud. Case closed."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


In Death . . .

are beautiful people less dead than ugly people?

Are tall, strong people less dead than short, weak people?

Are sane people less dead than crazy people?

Are intelligent people less dead than ignorant people?

Are young and old disciplined males and females less dead than young and old throw-away males and females?

Are Muslims less dead than Christians or Jews or Buddhists or Hindus or Atheists?

Are Afrikans less dead than Europeans? Are Europeans less dead than Asians? Are Indians less dead than mestizos?

Are negative Conservative Republicans less dead than positive Liberal Democrats or Communists or Socialists or Anarchists?

Are wealthy people less dead than dead-beat poor people?

Are city people, accustomed to the amenities of modern living, less dead than desert people, accustomed to less than shit-on-shingles?

Are black nationalists less dead than dumb, hair-straightening CARBON-COPIES? Then, what is this rat-race really all about? NOTHING. Then, WHY bother? WHY? Hell, we ain't dead yet!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ARE THEY . . .

complete fools, these CONSERVERS? Don't they know that the more they try to beat up this one man, President Obama, to commit evil against him, to crucify him, the more the fair-minded, decent Americans and people throughout the world who love righteousness and want peace in the world will sympathize with him?

He's one man, and all these anti-Obama mobs are attacking -- like scumbag thugs. That is how scumbag gangs come at someone. They gang up on one person. That is how the old KKK always attacked. They never attacked a group of blacks, they attacked one black man or one black family, until more and more decent, righteous Christians and non-religious people took their Christian values seriously and rose up against them. We ask again: "Are these CONSERVERS the new KKK?"

Once again a noble soul with a message of peace has appeared on the world scene, and is being crucified by the forces of evil.

These CONSERVERS call themselves Christians -- as the KKK called themselves -- but are they so filled with hate for this black man, President Obama, that they don't care that they and their evil against him are an abomination to Jesus?

Jesus taught: "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called God's sons. Blessed are those persecuted on account of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Who's Next?

True or not true -- who knows -- but according to Hollywood, Alexander the Great, played by the now deceased great actor Richard Burton, was asked by several of his generals gathered around him as he lay dying on a field-cot in a tent in Egypt: "Alexander, to whom do you leave your kingdom?"

They waited with abated breath, their eyes on Alexander's lips as he tried to muster the strenght to speak. Finally, in a whisper, he murmured: "To the strongest . . . ."

Millions of years before that murmur, before there were words, when man was still evolving as a hairy ape, "to the strongest" went the spoils, the caves, the hills, the valleys, the bush territory, the women; later, the cities, the countries, the treasure chests, the conquered as slaves, the women.

The "strongest" is like the Heavyweight Champ, and there are always contenders wanting to take his crown.

The United States of America is the strongest, the Heavyweight Champ, and the wanna-be contenders, jealous and envious of its dominance as number One, are always out there. Hitler and his Nazi boys tried us. Tojo's boys tried us with their sneaky, slimy attack on Pearl Harbor and their banzai charges. Mussolini and his fascist boys tried us.

Who's next to try his luck? You Iran? You North Korea?

"HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Step right up, bubba, try your luck."

There're over 3oo hundred million of us here for whom this is the end of the line, got nobody to take us in, no where to go but here, until the Good Lord calls. Our backs are against the wall, we fight to the death.

So, step right up, bubba, if you wanna get to paradise quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Evil is . . .

"Shhhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

as evil does. A man at Fort Hood viciously murdered 13 American soldiers and wounded 44 more -- in the name of his religion -- in a well-thought-out plan. He was not a green man from the moon, he was a Muslim, believing that all infidels, anyone who doesn't believe in Islam, should be killed, especially Americans.

The men who flew planes into the Twin Towers in New York City, killing thousands of Americans -- in the name of their religion -- were not blue people from space, they were Muslims. They had spent years lying and deceiving and planning the atrocity, believing that all infidels, anyone who doesn't believe in Islam -- called a religion of peace -- should be killed, especially Americans.

The people who have been murdering -- in the name of Islam -- American soldiers and citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan with suicide murderers for years -- and continue to do so -- are Muslims.

The blacks of northern Sudan, seat of the Sudan government, practicing genocide against black Christians of southern Sudan are Muslims, imitation Arabs. For some 20 years these black Muslims, with the help of the Arab Janjaweed, have been raping and murdering and burning the villages of black Sudanese Christians, leaving hundreds of thousands of them starving in the Afrikan desert.

The people who have been shouting -- in the name of Islam -- "Kill the Jews, destroy Isreal" are Muslims. There are Muslims who say that they are "good" Muslims, not terrorists, and claim that Islam means peace, but we don't hear them denouncing these evil Muslims, so we cannot distinguish the "good" Muslims from the evil Muslims.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Would Obama be . . .

"Shhhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

. . . President of the United States if his parents had been CARBON-COPIES? Ever take a gander at so-called black newspapers in the 21st century? CARBON-COPIES wouldn' know what the hell is going on in the world if it weren't for the newspapers and magazines and books of whites.

Ever notice who's perennially behind whites educationally, but constantly whining "We's all equal. They's discriminating 'ginst us." Coming out of slavery where for over 200 years it was a punishable crime in the United States to teach slaves (being trained to be CARBON-COPIES of whites) to read or write, white women -- after the Civil War -- by the hundreds from the North voluntarily went down South to educate the CARBON-COPIES. Elementary schools and colleges were established for the CARBON-COPIES. World War II provided the G.I. Bill, paying veterans to attend colleges and univerisities, and Affirmative Action for decades has lowered test scores at colleges and universities so that CARBON-COPIES could enter. Now -- in the 21st century -- CARBON-COPY kids taunt other CARBON-COPY youngsters -- who strive to excel in their studies -- by saying: "Ya'll trying to be lak white folks." Deal with that ignorance, o' wise-perennial-hangeroners of Affirmative Action.

The moment you enter a Vietnamese or Korean or Chinese or Japanese or Italian or Arab or Russian or Jewish community you know it. The language of their respective culture is on their stores, shops, restaurants, theaters, clubs, places of entertainment.

What language do you see on the businesses of CARBON-COPIES? None, because they have no businesses -- other than whooping and hollering churches, barbershops, and hair-straightening parlors. And they have no cultural language to put on them. They copy features from the culture of whites and place "black" before them, "black" English ("we is," "he have," "she do," etc.), "black" Santa Claus, "black" Jesus, "black" community (an inferior imitation of the white community).

It is a "culture" that extols excelling in physical activities requiring a minimal use of the brain rather than intellectual prowess. How much intellectual power does it take to bounce a basketball or run with a football or pitch and bat a baseball? Sports are great and many CARBON-COPY athletes have been very successful, but a "culture" centered around sports is crap.

When has this "black" culture ever produced a Nobel Prize winner in physics, medicine, science, chemistry, technology? Where are the grocery stores, restaurants, cultural outlets, clubs, theaters, places of entertainment of this "black" culture?

Without the places of entertainment of whites, CARBON-COPY entertainers would have no place and no people to entertain.

Any "culture" that hasn't been able to rid its people of a monumental inferiority complex about its hair -- has CARBON-COPY women strutting around with their hair dyed blond or red or brown, or hiding it under a white woman's wig, looking like two different fools at the same time -- isn't worth a damn.

So, if Obama in his formative years had been vicitimized by this shallow, worthless "black" culture of CARBON-COPIES would he be President of the United States?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Non-Voters" Scam

"It's one of the oldest scams in the world -- it's as old as silence," an official who asked not to be named said. "It crosses political, racial, cultural, and religious lines," he added. "Politicians do it, using 'abstain.' "

According to this official the scam is not only local and national, it's international, in all countries. He pointed out that the political freedom in the United States didn't fall out of the sky, that it was established through years of men and women protesting with the written and spoken word, with their bodies being beaten -- even to death, sacrificing their very lives.

"It was not established by these damned parasites who scurry like rats from the struggle to improve the society in their own country to get to the United States and free-load and frollick in the benefits gained -- at a heavy price -- by many U.S. citizens," he said.

The official stated unequivocally that given the years of struggle it took to establish this democratic system, he associates the "non-voter" with the free-loading parasites who come here to live la dulce vida, leaving the social struggle to others in their homeland.

"It's not dangerous to vote in our country," he said. "Not like in some Islamic countries --even some Afrikan and Latin American countries -- where they send in thugs to beat and terrorize -- even shoot and use suicide murderers to kill voters. And American soldiers -- young people -- are over there in Iraq and Afghanistan dying in that ignorant, backward mess."

He concluded by saying, "A non-vote is a negative. It's a 'no,' a way of not being censured for taking a stand for or against something. And even though the 'non-voters' think they'er presenting themselves as neutral -- remember Macheavelli?" : "Never be neutral for the victor will consider you part of the spoils and the vanquished will have no room for you in his cave."

Monday, November 2, 2009


Brain-depots, originating in the lower animal kingdom, and we evolving from these uga, uga, uga cuties inherit and carry on. Some hulking, hairy ancestor somewhere on this planet, a club in one hand, a brunette by the hair in the other, dragging her into his brain-depot cave. An indelible image.

And far to the south, across the mediterranean, in a dark place, another ancestor, a strip of leopard skin across his loins, a fighting stick in one hand, a long strip of lion's skin about the necks of six woolly-haired women, leads them to his brain-depot in the bushes.

And far to the land of the rising sun, a diminutive woman, head obediently bowed, taking quick diminutive steps, maintains three steps, obedient to the brain-depot code, behind a diminutive man.

Enter the American women, the storm-troopers, into the New World. Out from the confining brain-depots of Europe; out from structured, cloistering traditions. The big, open-country New World a dare to figuratively let their hair down, literally loosen that high, tight collar of that ankle-length, loose-fitting dress. The man, confronting undreamed of hazards to conquer the plains; no time to stand on cermony;give her a gun; help defend the log cabin, woman.

And she looked courageously beyond that brain-depot, risking dangerous journeys, intellectually and physically, a few thoughts and a few feet at a time into still prohibited places, ignoring a thunderous, murderous cry:

"Hold rallies? Speak in Public? How dare them! Next they'll want to vote! Stone them! Set fire to the buildings where they're speaking!"

Some screaming, barely escaping the burning buildings.

"You've fought heroically, ladies."

Others lag.

Envious, jealous of your hard-earned strut. We see them -- welcoming the 21st century, hearing: "Drive a car? -- like American women? Not in our culture! Vote and hold political office? Not in our culture! Get an education? Not in our culture! In our culture you stay at home and wash and iron and clean -- and travel? From the bedroom to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the bedroom!"

We see them, face closed, plodding down a street, a small child walking at each side of her, a baby strapped to her back, another held on her left hip with her left hand, another pushed in a buggy with her right hand, and another in her belly.

The culture is robbed of half its brain-power; the society is a stagnant, backward brain-depot.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


aren't you sick of these damned whining, hypocritical CARBON-COPIES still -- in the 21st century -- flapping their lips about racists when all they want is the name of an Englishman or a Spaniard or a Frenchman or a Portuguese or an Arab, and the only language they want to speak is the language of an Englishman or a Spaniard or a Frenchman or a Portuguese or an Arab, and the only religion they want to worship in is the religion taught them by an Englishman or a Spaniard or a Frenchman or a Portuguese or an Arab? Isn't that proof enough that these whining, hypocritical CARBON-COPIES have slave-mentalities?

The English, the Spaniards, the French, the Portuguese, and the Arabs are the ones who put them and their disorganized, superstitious-ridden, backward cultures into racism. Why don't they want to speak an Afrikan language -- a people's language is what gives them their identity -- and want an Afrikan name, and update some of the religious beliefs of their Afrikan ancestors? The fact that they don't, isn't that proof enough that in the 21st century these CARBON-COPIES still have a monumental inferiority complex, and this so-called "black" culture that glorifies straightening their hair or hiding it under white women's wigs has been passing this inferiority complex to succeeding generations? People can't have an inferiority complex unless they are inferior.

Let history record it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Street-corner Sophist

These silent -- and not so silent -- wars in the streets, on the city buses and subways, in the barber shops and beauty parlors, and pool halls, and on TV and radio talk-shows in all the towns and cities in all the countries of the world are political, military, economic, cultural, racial -- and especially religious.

Make a comment or ask a question and some blabber-mouth sophist goes: "In fact, Hamas, or let us if by what has without some of it else can not so off there was Jews where once -- not twice -- come what part, but or I or Gaza did mix who not you can opt said one time to feel badly respect believe some eventually not later large latex and lubricated then pudendum vulva outshone over top in and out which one? Now --"

"Hold up, I heard Jews and Hamas and Gaza in there, but --"

"Oh, please -- I just agonize for Hamas and the suffering Palestinians --"

"But they're shooting rockets into Israel, trying to kill Jewish women and children -- you don't hate 'em for that?"

You must learn to separate the 'doer' from the 'deed' -- sometimes at night I cry myself to sleep over the poor suffering, abused Hamas and Palestinians, they just want to be left in peace --"

"But they and other Muslims -- like Nazis -- celebrate in the streets when Jews are murdered --"

"That propaganda -- when did you get your last check from the CIA? . . . I know it's hard for some of you who'er so brainwashed, but you must learn to separate the criminal from the crime . . ."

"But there wouldn' be the crime without the criminal committing it -- unless you're saying that if some guy tortures and slaughters your mother and father and your wife and children, you hate what he did, but none of that hate touches him . . ."

"I know it's hard when you're brainwashed, but -- if we're for human rights, we can --"

"Six million Jews suffered and died -- and millions of other people because of Hitler and his antiSemitic crimes in WWII, but we're not suppose to hate Nazis -- and all antiSemitic scum . . .? . . . . . . . DAMN!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No Columbus . . . No you

Wonder if Afrikan Americans (noted as CARBON-COPIES) ever think that had the courage of Columbus not brought him through the risks and hazards of that ocean voyage, Afrikan Americans would not exist? In fact, was it not a blessing that whites enslaved the black ancstors who got those free rides across the Atlantic?

And speaking of slavery, why point fingers? Whites enslaved whites, Asians enslaved Asians, Indians enslaved Indians -- and not only whites enslaved blacks, but blacks, Indians, and Arabs enslaved blacks. In fact, it was blacks who sold blacks to whites -- and in Afrika, blacks are still selling blacks to Arabs. Anyone could -- and still can -- enslave blacks too stupid to organize and unite for power against enemies.

Seeing the ignorance, poverty, disease, filth, corruption, and brutality still in Afrika in the 21st century, how many CARBON-COPIES in the Western Hemisphere wish to have been born in Afrika? And aren't black Afrikans trying to get out of Afrika and crawl into any country they can sneak into? Why aren't they in the struggle to eradicate the social problems and improve the society in their homeland? It's easier to piggy-back on the benefits -- and live "la dolce vita" --that others in another country have sacrificed their lives to bring about.

Had Columbus not paid the fare, there would be no people looking like Afrikans and Indians, but calling themselves "Hispanics," "French," and "Portuguese"; there were only natives -- now called "Indians" -- in this Hemisphere when Columbus arrived.

Had Columbus not paid the fare, no other white men would have been coming in with education, science, technology, creating modern cities, and the amenities we enjoy would not exist.

Or would you prefer an "outhouse" with newspaper for toilet tissue rather than inside flushing toilet? Is smoking up a tepee with a torch more appealing than turning on an electric light? Or would you prefer to scrub down in some creek instead of a hot shower in a bathroom?

Monday, September 28, 2009

YOoooh, Bubba-Culture . . .

"That doesn't bother you?"

"What?" he asked, bouncing a basketball on the crowded sidewalk downtown, waiting for the traffic-light to change.

"Being surrounded by millions of people speaking a language that you don't understand?"

"Long as I don't know what they saying, it don't bother me."

"They might be standing next to you talking about taking your head off."

For a moment he looked a little dumber, as if he didn't know what to say. Then, still bouncing the basketball, he mumbled: "It ain't in my black culture -- English is my language."

Maybe if some Spanish were written on a basketball he could bounce some of it into his brain. Yeah, what brain. English was his language . . . millions of CARBON-COPIES said that out of their slavepen mentalities. Could'n ever have entered their meek, common-as-dirt mind -- whether they speak English, Spanish, French, or Portuguese -- that they were living their one life on Earth as nothing but cheap imitations of white men and white women, and parroting, "We's all equal."

Can't conceive of speaking an Afrikan language in their "black" culture. Just as they came out of the slavepens is how they've remained. Still the white man's burden after over a hundred years.

His "English," his "black" culture. You knew the moment you entered a Vietnamese or Korean or Chinese or Japanese or Euro-American or mestizo community. The language of their respective culture was on their stores, shops, restaurants, theaters, clubs, places of entertainment.

Never saw an Afrikan American community. See many cheap imitations of Euro-American communities called Afrikan American communities. Have no businesses or places of entertainment. Euro-Americans, Asians, and mestizos entertain their own people in their own communities.

Over 35 million CARBON-COPIES, but without the Euro-American communities and their places of entertainment CARBON-COPY entertiners would have no place to entertain, and would disappear.


Thursday, September 24, 2009


". . .yeah, but why -- in the 21st century -- are you wearing your BRITCHES below your stink butts, showing your stink underwear in public, as if after all these centuries you're still uncivilized?" They were five or six "CARBON-COPY" teenagers, SONS OF BRITCHES "hanging out" downtown on a crowded sidewalk in the business district. Men in suits and ties avoided them. Women -- some in dresses -- pretended not to see them.

"That's us -- who we is," one said.

They all wore baggy black BRITCHES and XL white T-shirts that hang to their knees, and ball caps were turned sideways on their heads.

"We lettin' the world know we hin'r, lak rap music," another said proudly.

"Yeah, show 'em we don' take no bullshit," another piped up.

"Straight up," another said. "It's our thang, our culture."

You could find SONS OF BRITCHES like them in all the cities of the United States. "After all the sacrificing for generations -- the 'shootin' 'n' lootin', burning and bleeding, marching and jailing, and lying and dying in the '60s -- this is the best your culture could come up with? -- you got jobs?"

"Jobs . . ?" one said, looking around at the others. "What's that?" He started giggling, and the others guffawed loudly in unison, turning and twisting and bending forward and slapping each other's palms -- even hopping up and down, as if putting on a show for passersby to notice them.

When they had subsided, one said, "We don't need to work, we lives wit' our folks."

"Ain't nothing cool 'bout working -- anybody can do that," another said. "We unique -- lak rap."

Who'd hire such SONS OF BRITCHES?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

They're Baaaaaaack . . .

They never left. They're an intricate, intrinsic part of the foundation of every nation. Like rats they -- their beady red eyes and white buck teeth shining in the dark -- scurry from city to city, supported by their counterparts in every country.

They scratch, and nibble and pursue and persuade and squander under the cover of politics, under the cover of economics, under the cover of the military, under the cover of culture, of race -- and especially under the cover of religion.

They boast that they are the most pure, the most righteous, the most intelligent -- yet, dumbshits -- of all that exist.

Who are they?

WE are they! Flesh, blood, and bone, creating, inventing, THEORIZING, THEORIZING, THEORIZING . . . MARKING TIME . . . WAITING TO DIE.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Truth-Lie

"If we are to preserve our Christian values, we must continue to look everywhere for negative things -- say that everything that he does is wrong, everything that he says is a lie."

"But you know that there are some truths that we can't hide . . . we . . ."

"Only I, The Most Wonderful One, tell the truth! My radio program and my writings are the only truths! We must always explain how a lie is hidden under every so-called truth he -- I am the Truth of the World! You, my followers, recognize that!"

"Yes, O'Master of Truth . . ."

"It's as when a lawyer makes a statement in court and the Judge tells the Jury to ignore what the lawyer just said. That's pure crap -- the statement is already in the people's mind, they can't erase it."

"Yes, O'Master of Truth of the World . . ."

"We saw an excellant example last night of what I'm teaching you. This politician interrupted Obama's speech before Congress by calling him a liar. He did this -- ha-ha, what beautful cojones, eh? -- to Obama -- I ain't calling him President -- in public, before the entire world. I believe -- I'll have to check this -- that this is the first time in history that a politician has done such a thing in public in the face of anyone holding that high office. And all this politician had to do today to cover himself is say that he apologized. Was it a sincere apology? I leave it to you to decide. It's similar to when I said on my show the other day that a certain group out there would be going after Oreos, the cookies, next . . . but first they'd have to wait until Obama's out of office . . . now, obviously -- anyone around in the '60s -- will take that as a racial slur, but I can always say that it was said in good humour -- ha-ha."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

War and Warriors

"What madness!" Who are these crazy people? Haven't they ever read a history book in school about war or read a novel about war or seen a movie about war? Don't they have any common sense?

"Make them accountable for their war crimes, they prattle up and down the airwaves and scribble in newspapers -- and even books. They're condemning former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for prosecuting a war against enemies who rage even now that all Americans -- including these enemies of Bush and Cheney -- of every hue and ethnic group must be destroyed, killed, wiped from the face of the Earth wherever we are found.

What crimes have Bush and Cheney committed? They were elected to office and charged with the responsibility of defending the United States, of protecting the lives of every man, woman, and child from barbarians who openly -- before the entire world -- vowed to kill all Americans.

Are these weak-kneed, weeping "things" crying crocadile tears merely playing politics with their dribble about prosecuting Bush and Cheney for war crimes? Don't they have any respect for truth and honesty? Don't they know that soldiers are warriors and in war they come at each other screaming and spraying bullets, driving bayonets through chests and stomachs and brains, asking no quarter, giving none, dying?

Every soldier wants to survive and knows that knowledge of the enemies' plans improves his chances of returning to his country alive to loved ones, relatives, girlfriend, wife, children, to peace.

Soldiers must question brutal, bloodthirsty, captured warriors trained to slaughter without mercy, to loath weakness. They must treat them, question them without "kid gloves." They are enemies.

As a famous American General has said: "War is Hell!"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Giving Them . . .?

"Shhh . . .what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadahli, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

". . . but you're sexually abusing your children . . ."

"What about our indigenous rights being . . ."

"Not only are you sexually abusing your children in all your aborigine communities, the money that the Australian Government gives each of your communities for food, clothing, and health care is being used for alcohol -- drunkness and sexually abusing your children will destroy your people. That's why the government had to send soldiers and police into your communi . . ."

"The soldiers and police are taking away our human rights . . ."

The aborigines of Australia constitute 2 percent of Australia's population and have higher rates of unemployment, substance abuse, violence on each other, and shorter life expectancy than other Australians. Sound familiar?

Are there any ethnic groups in the U.S. that come to mind when we learn of the conditions of these aborigines and their complaints of human rights abuse when efforts are made by any government agency, local, state, or federal, to correct the problems that the people themselves are causing in their communities?

Is it any coincidence that the "cultures" of the black, red, and brown people -- as with the aborigines of Australia -- bit the dust when they came in conflict with the superior cultures of the Europeans?

Why, then, in these centuries of years has no agency from these superior European cultures dared to tell these incompetent people that it is their worthless "culture" that keeps them from advancing as a people, that they must throw off the disease of Culture-ritis (see blog entitled Definition) and update their "culture"?

Giving them welfare, building them homes, giving them food, giving them, giving them, giving them . . .

Why not force them to educate themselves and supply their own needs before they self-destruct out of existence?

Let History Record It.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Senator Ted kennedy

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

Friday, August 28, 2009, as thousands of Americans filed pass the casket of Senator Ted Kennedy who devoted his life to Liberls' efforts to protect Americans from racist CONSERVERS, the CONSERVERS loaded onto buses to travel to 50 States to harangue against Liberals and their efforts to change the wrongs in American society.

To conserve or to change? To be CONSERVERS (reactionaries) or Liberals (Progressives)? Those are the questions.

In the days when blacks were chattel slaves in the Americas, the slaveholders were CONSERVERS and the Abolitionists were the Liberals, the Progressives. The CONSERVERS and the Liberals attended church and prayed faithfully.

The preachers of the CONSERVERS taught that blacks were not humans and that the teachings of Jesus Christ about humans loving each other did not apply to the black "heathens." The CONSERVERS prayed when they got out of bed every morning, prayed at breakfast, prayed at lunch, prayed at dinner (supper); they prayed at work, prayed at school, and prayed when they went to bed at night; they prayed that they could always keep blacks in chattel slavery.

The Liberals, the Abolitionists, prayed that the CONSERVERS would change, would accept the Christian values that they preached and prayed about, that they would believe that all people were the children of God. Many Abolitionists believed that the CONSERVERS were the personafication of evil, the Devil incarnate and should be destroyed. John Brown -- may his soul rest in peace -- was hanged, sacrificed his lfe in an armed attack against the slaveholding CONSERVERS.

Today, in August of the 21st century, when millions mourn the death of Senator Ted Kennedy, a Liberal who dedicated his life to fighting evil, the CONSERVERS, livid, grinding and gnashing their teeth, that a black man is President of the United States and has selected an Hispanic woman to be a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, they use radio shows, books, newspapers and magazines and travel throughout the United States teaching racial hatred.

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Lightening Up

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

"I wanna have a baby by a white man so my baby will have light skin and good hair," she said. She was a young CARBON COPY woman and she was on a nationally televised talk-show in 1996.

"Mejorando la raza" ("Improving the race"), they say in "Latin" (mestizo) America when a mestizo or white man fills a CARBON COPY woman's belly with a mulatto baby.

The deliberate, methodical effort of non-whites -- especially "black" and brown people -- throughout the western world and parts of Afrika to whiten themselves is proof of their inferiority. If one feels inferior, he or she is inferior. Witness CARBON COPY women -- in the 21st century -- still straightening their hair with red-hot iron combs or using 20,000 chemicals on it to simulate the hair of white women or hiding their hair under white women's wigs or attaching rope-like false plaits to it to have long hair to imitate the hair styles of the white woman. These CARBON COPY women of every generation have been passing that monumental inferiority complex onto their children.

Slow it down "black" people; slow it down brown people. Keep on grooving on the variety side, but use a contraceptive. In many countries -- Argentina, Cuba, Puerto Rico, to name a few -- the Indian has disappeared. In others -- through Culture-ritis (see blog entitled Definition) -- the mestizos are slowly wiping them -- and the "blacks" -- out through the bedroom.

Having been born and raised in multiracial United States it would be boring and disgusting to live in a monoracial society where 95% of the people were all of one color. These non-white people need to update their culture to rid themselves of their destructive inferiority complex.

Let History Record It.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Home-Grown Terrorists

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

The Home-Grown Terrorists do not self-destruct. They do not fly planes into our buildings; do not strap bombs about their waist and blow up women and children in schools, hospitals, restaurants, and at bus-stops.

The Home-Grown Terrorists, however, do hide. They do not slink around at night in white hoods and white bedsheets, desercreting the Cross -- symbol of the Crucifixion -- with racial hatred. They hide where we least expect to see them. They hide totally visible before our very eyes.

We see them on their television shows, read them in their newspapers, books, and magazines; we hear them on their radio shows. They call themselves and their silly followers WONDERFUL AMERICANS, TRUE AMERICANS, GREAT AMERICANS, TRUE CONSERVERS OF AMERICANS' RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS.

The Home-Grown Terrorists are so confident of their absolute control of their gullible racist followers that they giggle and praise themselves on their radio shows; proof to them of their success at terrorizing the minds of their racist followers is the millions of dollars that they mulct from them through books, periodicals, and personal appearances.

The Home-Grown Terrorists sow anger, racial hatred, and distrust among Americans, haranguing them to buy guns, to arm themselves to kill other Americans.

Soon Anglo American, Afrikan American, Hispanic American, Asian American, and Indian American soldiers on and off the battlefields will be afraid to turn their back on each other.

Then, this vast segment of racist trash -- visible to the entire world -- raising havoc in Anglo American culture of the 21st century will truely clap their hands and laugh and dance. Under the mask of TRUE CONSERVERS of America, their racism will have put racial hatred back on the front burner in the United States. And the foreign terrorists -- undercover in the United States -- will come out to play.

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Reap The CONSERVERS

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

"We hope he fails!" the CONSERVERS rant. They do not say that they hope that a program he proposes fails. They want to be sure that everyone understands that it is the man, the Afrikan American, who dared to occupy the White House, whom they want to see fail.

"He's trying to change our society!" the CONSERVERS bellow. Sound familiar? Isn't that what the racist segregationists screamed in the '60s when they, Christians -- in uncivilized mobs -- cursed and spit on small African American children walking pass them to enter schools where they could get an education.

"He's taking away our Christian values, our God-given rights!" the CONSERVERS rage, grinding and gnashing their teeth. Deja vu.

"We must conserve our liberties! Organize against him! This is our country! Our White House!" the CONSERVERS wail.

Remember the slaveholders and their millions of sympathizers organizing and starting a Civil War to maintain their rights? Remember the police brought out in droves to protect Christian values and whites' rights by beating and stomping Afrikan American men, women, and children, and loosing vicious police dogs on them for marching peacefully with Dr. Martin Luther King to change a society founded on anti-black racist laws and a Supreme Court of only white men -- with Christian values -- declaring that blacks had no rights that whites were bound to respect?

Wonder what Afrikan American soldiers on the battlefield in Iraq and Afghanisgtan think when they listen to or read of the CONSERVERS of today and think of the CONSERVERS of the past and the future.

Let History Record It.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . One Size Fits All.

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

"One size fits all." On August 8 & 9, 2009 at Chino California Prison, that belief is what caused that violence -- not overcrowding -- between "blacks" and Mexicans. The news agencies use the words "Hispanics" or "Latinos," but it's always primarily between "blacks" and Mexicans.

In the 15th century a.d., the Spaniards brought blacks from stoneage Afrika into stoneage Indianlands, now called the Americas. The Portuguese, French, and English followed on their heels with more blacks.

Now, we have "Latin" America. How can blacks and Indians be Caucasians -- as Latins are -- except in their brainwashed dreams.

Anti-white, anti-black, anti-brown, and anti-red feelings are now rampant throughout the Western Hemisphere. Given that ethnic groups compete in the economic, political, and cultural arenas, these racist feelings are not surprising. And it shouldn't be surprising that the group with overwhelming numerical superiority and the most advanced culture will be more prone to flex the most muscle -- witness the Mexican-American war, the Indian-American wars, the enslavement of Afrikans -- leaving those numerically inferior with Culture-ritis, and more likely to attack each other.

It's ironic that "blacks" and Mexicans should be in constant conflict. They have much in common; both groups have identity questions. The Mexicans do not take the identity of their Indian ancestors; and the "blacks" (carbon copies) do not take Afrikan identities as did Afrikan ancestors who got off of the slave boats in the Americas, although many pretend to identify with their Afrikan heritage.

And what happened to the thousands of black slaves that the Spaniards had in Mexico?

Many Mexicans and "blacks," without the culture of Caucasians providing them with jobs or hope of jobs to buy food would suffer greatly. Culture-ritis has kept "blacks" from creating businesses for themselves, and Culture-ritis has also motivated Mexicans for generations to run, walk, and crawl across scorching deserts -- many dieing in the attempt -- swim across rivers, tunnel across the border to get out of their country and into the United States for survival.

"Blacks" are always accusing only whites of being anti-black racists, as if there were no brown or red or yellow or "black" anti-black racists. If "blacks" dislike white racists so much why do they want the names and languages of whites? Why do they straighten their hair and dye it blond or red to simulate the hair of whites or hide their hair under white women's wigs, and use bleaching creams to lighten their skin, and worship in a religion that is totally white-oriented? Why wouldn't they take some religious beliefs from their Afrikan ancestors and update them? Answer: "Their so-called black culture (Culture-ritis) doesn't qualify them to think beyond what was passed on to them from dead slavemasters via "black" preachers.

Not everyone in these ethnic groups is guilty of racial hatred. But how do we distinguish them without a program? Unless there is personal contact, one can't. So, we have: "niggers are. . . . spics are. . . fish-bellies are. . . wops are. . . chinks are. . . redskins are. . . ."

Is there a way out of the mess? Only when we become tough enough to acknowledge that those who hide behind "One size fits all" are as common as dirt, and that there are always exceptions -- but keep your powder dry.

Let History Record It

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Israel's Enemies

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

They are not all in the Middle East; they are in England, France, the United States, and many other countries. They sit safely in their homes, restaurants, clubs, and meetings -- thousands of miles from Israel and some Muslim man, woman, or youngster wrapped in a bomb, and detonating it.

They sit on a bus or wait at a bus stop or sit in a school or hospital filled with children or the elderly without thinking that a missile from terrorists might destroy them at any moment.

Most of these enemies have never even been to Israel, have never had their faces splashed with the blood of their child or husband or wife whose body was torn apart by a bomb or bullets from empty-headed terrorists "glorifying" their "rightousness" by killing Jewish men, women, and children.

These enemies of Israel in England, France, the United States, and many other countries a long distance from the Middle East, dare to presume that they know what Israel should and should not do. They safely prance up and down in their countries fat-mouthing their anti-Semitism like Monday-morning quarterbacks and armchair revolutionaries.

NOBODY knows better what Israel needs and needs to do to defend itself against millions of religion-crazed enemies than the Jews of Israel.

These incompetent, chaotic, contradictory Palestinians would bite the Jewish hands that feed them and give them jobs.

Let History Record It.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . The Bush Factor

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

But for the Bush factor, Obama might not have been elected President of the United States. There was that ever-present image of a hand-full of white men waltzing into Afrika where they were outnumbered a million to one by black people, but in short time had efficiently take over that Continent.

They had built modern cities and homes among millions of black people living in grass huts with goats and chickens, had brought in schools and the written word and new languages and newspapers among millions of illiterate black people.

Centuries earlier they had given free rides across the Atlantic to blacks to pick cotton in the Americas. But after hundreds of years in the United States, and becoming "blacks" (CARBON-COPIES), the "blacks" had not learned -- in spite of tons of "black" preachers, teachers, and leaders -- to put together a culture that could withstand the assault of the latest generation of "black" teenage boys -- and many adult men; they walked into the 21st century wearing their britches down to their knees, displaying their stink bloomers and behinds in public; they hurled the word "nigger" at each other in public, causing many civilized himans a bothersome thought: "Can there be some genetic difference between whites and blacks impeding the latter from reaching the intellectual level of the former?

"Why in the 1990s -- when whites were walking in space -- did the Hutu tribe in Rwanda take machetes and savagely hack hundreds of thousands of helpless Tutsi men, women, and children to pieces? And why were other tribes in other Afrikan countries kidnapping children and forcing them to become child-soldiers and killers in tribal wars?"

Yet, George W. Bush, as President of the United States, ignored that unflattering image and that bothersome thought. He judged Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, both Afrikan Americans, by their deportment and ability, selecting the former to be United States Secretary of State, and the latter to be his National Security Advisor and, later, to be United States Secretary of State; positions so high in the United States government that no other President had dared defy the country's racists and select and Afrikan American to fill.

He prepared the way for millions of Americans to also look past that unflattering image and that bothersome thought, and vote for an Afrikan American to be President of the United States.

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Bush-bashing, Obama-bashing

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

He was one man, surrounded by many Generals and Cabinet members -- experts in their fields -- and members of the House and Senate, and millions of citizens, thousands who voted for him, and thousands who voted against him.

If incorrect information was given to him, weren't there enough intelligent people supporting him and opposing him in this country to have prevented him from attacking Iraq?

Bashing former President G.W. Bush is comparable to bashing Hitler -- though his name is synonomous with evil -- for starting World War II, but saying nothing about the people in Germany and England and France and Russia and the United States who, obviously, were not intelligent and courageous enough -- being caught up in the beauty and wonderfullness of themselves -- to oppose his early evil moves. Six million Jewish men, women, and children would not have been viciously tortured and murdered.

It is comparable to blaming the reactionary, racist talk-show hosts for flaming the fires of hatred against President Obama, but saying nothing about their ignorant racist supporters. These talk-show bigots would have no radio show without their racist followers.

Let History Record It.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . A Definition

(this, my first blog, was lost. I repeat it)

Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

Culture-ritis, unlike arthritis which generally attacks elderly people, is a disease that ferments in the minds of enfants at birth. Many observers of the disease postulate, however, that the disease incubates in the child even as it is forming in its mother's womb. They contend that a trait of it -- the inability to think intelligently -- is inherited from the mother and father.

Culture-ritis, like arthritis, causes severe pain, but it is the mind and not physical parts of the body that twists into gnarled, ugly, excrutiating agony; and this agony of Culture-ritis is aggrevated when the person is asked to think objectively of the worth of his or her culture in the context of the 21st century or when it confronted stronger cultures in past centuries.

There is irrefutable evidence -- presented in these blogs -- that the disease, Culture-ritis, afflicts "people of color" -- especially so-called "blacks" and Indians and mestizos more than people of the caucasian race.

Let History Record It.

Culture-ritis . . . Foul on Empty

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

Uncivilized, like dumb animals, britches down to their knees, displaying their filthy, stink behinds, they fill the streets, city buses, schools, and stores.

On the streets and city buses from Miami, Florida to San Francisco, California, CARBON-COPY men, women and youths are the most loud-mouthed, filthy-mouthed people in public.

In the schools and the streets and on the buses every third word from the mouth of ignorant CARBON-COPY youths is ". . . and the nigger" this ". . . and the nigger" that -- and only when whites use the word is there an outcry and lawsuits from CARBON-COPY adults.

After over a hundred years of "black" schools and "black" teachers, it's still: "he have . . . we was . . . she do," etc., etc., etc. Aren't people the product of their culture? What does this tell us about this "black" culture we're constantly hearing about? It's nothing more than displaying some Afrikan trinkets -- but no Afrikan language -- adding rope-like false plaits to one's hair to make it long, and taking features from the culture of whites and placing "black" before them: "black" English, "black" Santa Claus, "black" Christianity, etc., etc., etc.

And the fear and violence in the "black" communities? CARBON-COPIES are in the grip of Culture-ritis.

All of this chaos after generations of "dynamite leaders," three and four "black" churches in every block in the "black" communities, and 20,000 "black" preachers whooping 'n' hollering, and "black" congregations shouting and kicking over chairs and benches. All emotion, and learning nothing. Leaving the church every Sunday after a 2-hour emotional fix; similar to a drug addict leaving a dope-house after a heroin fix.

Let History Record It

Friday, July 31, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . sin raza (raceless)

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

Indian-looking, Afrikan-looking, from head to foot. But they do not identify as Indians or Afrikans. They disparage Indian-looking and Afrikan-looking people. Who are they?

Only Indians occupied these lands that we now call the Americas. They were of the Indian race, with Indian names and speaking Indian languages and practicing Indian cultures. Now -- 21st century -- we meet no people in the streets with Indian names, hear no Indian languages.

Europeans came; they are of the caucasian race; they identify with European names, European languages, European cultures.

Afrikans were brought in; they were of the black race, but now -- 21st century -- 99.9% want no Afrikan names, want no Afrikan language, practice no Afrikan culture.

The Latins (Italians, Spaniards, French, and Portuguese), European people with Latin names, languages, and cultures fill the Americas. Latins are of the caucasian race.

But these Indian-looking, Afrikan-looking people do not identify as Indians or Afrikans, and their "wonderful" cultures keep them begging caucasians for jobs. Who are they? Because of their Indian and Afrikan blood they can not be caucasians. So who are these raceless racists who want to wipe Indians and "blacks" from the face of the Earth? Then, when anyone says, "You people have Indian or Afrikan blood," they can reply, "How can you say that? Do you see any Indian-looking or Afrikan-looking people among us?"

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Obama culture

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

From birth and throughout his formative years he was exposed to the names and languages of people of different cultures -- and not in a disparaging way, as is the fate of millions of other children raised to hate people who speak a different language and practice different cultures or so-called cultures.

He escaped being painted into that restrictive, debilitating corner of so-called "black" culture that is noted primarily for producing "black" athletes. They are the one positive feature of that so-called "black" culture, although we know that before they open their mouths, they -- as 99.9% of Afrikan Americans -- won't be able to speak a word in any language but one honoring dead slavemasters and will have only a name honoring dead slavemasters. To defy that custom causes "blacks" the pain of Culture-ritis.

"Blacks," CARBON-COPIES, strut about boasting of black men this and black women that, but can't understand anything unless it's brought to them in the language of dead slavemasters.

Who can name another Afrikan American politician or leader with the cultural credentials of President Obama? His cultural credentials made him more acceptable to the masses of different ethnic groups.

Let History Record It.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Strangling

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat onlyin whispers."
Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation.
He sat in the corner and saw the man. He did not know he saw him. The man bent down with the small brush and began painting the floor black. From the corner, he saw that, too. But did not know that he saw.
Eventually, the man had painted almost the entire floor black. He and the kid had been cornered. They had no room to move without stepping in the black stuff. The kid was only a month old and did not know that he did not know what he did not know.
Only many years later when he looked back on that experience to pass it on to his kid did he realize that he had rolled and lolled the first times of his life in that blackness -- that left no room for any thought of any other color.
Let History Record It.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . Cops 'n' "blacks."

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

They rioted, burning down some of their homes. A picture of two "black" teenagers in long white T-shirts standing near the smoldering ashes of one of the homes was on the front page of the San Diego newspaper and many out of State newspapers. I sat in the library reading the story.

They rampaged through the streets, setting houses afire in Benton Harbor, Michigan, population 11,000 -- "blacks" 8,000 strong. It was June 19, 21st century; June 19 is called JUNETEENTH by "blacks" and is celebrated as the day many slaves belatedly learned that they had been freed from slavery. How ironic that in this 21st century -- over a hundred years after slavery -- they should celebrate that day of freedom by rioting and burning some homes of "blacks"; but a "black," fleeing a white policeman, had crashed his motorcycle into a building and had been killed on impact.

Would a reasoning person -- who did not witness the confrontation between the "black" and the policeman -- blame the policeman because the "black" showed disrespect for his authority by fleeing, and ended up crashing into a building?

Of course not.

That incident in Benton Harbor came to mind on hearing President Obama refer, on July 22, 21st century, to the encounter between an Afrikan American professor, Henry L. Gates, and a white policeman in Cambridge. He was not at the scene of the incident and didn't know who said what. With the United States drowning in horrendous, scary unemployment, military, and financial problems, how does the President of the United States have time to meddle in a petty he-said-they-said problem of racial whining?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . meek streak

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing Worthwhile Can Be Built On A False Foundation.

I agree with most of what you said. I would add, however, that "blacks" have been using that excuse of being shorn (as with sheep) of Afrikan culture for over a hundred years. In Afrika, as in the Americas, because of the many worthless features of Afrikan cultures, Arabs and European colonizers have made millions of "blacks" their inferior CARBON-COPIES.

I submit to you that if someone takes something from you, you take it back; you don't just go on whining about it ad infinitum -- unless you're a meek hypocrite. Coming out of slavery, these CARBON-COPIES had been imitating the features of the culture of the English, Spaniards, French, and Portuguese -- all white people -- for centuries, and their communities developed parallel -- as carbon-copies -- with the white communities.

These "blacks"should have broken from that Culture-ritis producing disease in the '60s when they and whites put their lives on the line and were dragged into jails and prisons, beaten bloody in the streets -- especially by white Christians in the South -- to take the CARBON-COPIES from their meek acceptance of white identities and customs. In fact, in the '60s Dr. Maulana Karenga brought Swahili and the first uniquely Afrikan American celebration, Kwanzaa, to the CARBON-COPIES. But, today, over forty years later, the Seven Principles (Nguzo Saba) of Kwanzaa still aren't practiced in any Afrikan American community in the U.S. And the vast majority of Afrikan Americans would die 20,000 deaths rather than speak Swahili or any other Afrikan language.

These CARBON-COPIES -- identifying with the Afrikan ancestors who got off the boats on the shores of the Americas -- can look to the Afrika of today and select those cultural features that are conducive to progress, and flush any ignorant, superstitious crap down the toilet. People bond together around their unique names, language, and customs, and they support the people of their group, economically, politically, and socially. People of a strong culture -- such as as the Jews -- are noted for producing scientists, physisists, surgeons, philosophers, highly acclaimed teachers, writers, artists, in short, intellectual giants.

Let History Record It

Friday, July 17, 2009

Culture-ritis . . . GLOBALIZING OF HUMANS

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat in whispers."

Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation.

GLOBALIZING OF HUMANS? The masses in the streets don't think about your GLOBALIZING OF HUMANITY. People of all societies and religions have been taught for centuries by tribal and racial slaughtering to judge one another along stereotypical racial lines.

And knowing that our survival depends on keeping our knowledge of those conflicts at the forefront of our mind, we see members of a different race or ethnic group as a possible enemy until he or she proves to be otherwise. As the Jews have "circled the wagons" and said: "Never again," we can learn much from them.

Let History Record It.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


"Shhh...what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."
Nothing worthwhile can be built on a false foundation.

Culture-ritis, unlike arthritis which generally attacks the elderly, is a disease that ferments in the minds of enfants at birth. Many observers of the disease in a child, however, postulate that the disease incubates in the child even as it is forming in its mother's womb, contending that a trait of it --the capacity to think intelligently or not -- is inherited from the father and mother.

Culture-ritis, like arthritis, causes severe pain, but it is in the mind and not physical parts of the body that it causes its havoc, twisting the mind into gnarled, ugly, excruciating agony; and this agony of cullture-ritis is aggrevated when the affected persons are asked to think objectively of the worth of their "culture" -- in the context of the 21st century.

There is irrefutable evidence that the disease, culture-ritis, afflicts "people of color" -- so-called "blacks" (carbon copies), Indians, and mestizos more than people of the white race.

There is such fear of being "politically incorrect" in this 21st century that the truth that we have just written is avoided, leaving those who need to hear it riveted in their incompetence.

Let History Record It.