Saturday, February 28, 2015

Humans . . . Hang In There

"If you're an ISIS cut-throat, at a certain point you know  you've got her.  She tells you:  'They look like dirty, lice-filled tramps cluttering the sidewalks of streets surrounding the university I attend.  Going to and from the university and the the nearby stores and restaurants I always have to pass their ugly, hateful stares, listen to their slimy disrespect.  I always wish I had a gun.  They don't look civilized.'  You know then that you can turn her.

"You take another one to see this documentary that glorifies Indian lore and that misery that Afro people glorify in  singing the blues, and she actually sits there weeping while watching the documentary.  Can you imagine sane people claiming to hate suffering and misery but seek fame extoling it in song?  If they have such craving for blues and its misery can't they just shut their mouth and  play the music?  After leaving the movie you sit with her in a small cafe and over tea she tells you how noble and peace-loving Indians and Afro people were all through their history.  You don't ask whether she's ever heard of anything called tribal wars, tribal kidnapping, and tribal enslaving.  She romanticizes with guilt over living so comfortably while there's such poverty and unhappiness in the world and she says that she wants to give meaning to her life by helping to destroy poverty and unhappiness from  the world.

"There can't be any corner of the world where civilized people don't know that ISIS cut-throats control women completly.  If they kidnap them, rape them, enslave them, sell them, whip them, stone them, do not allow them to be educated or drive cars or participate in politics what does one with a brain think that some empty-headed, silly girls mean to them?"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Catch 22;ISIS

They were secretly taped, seven of them (in their case an unlucky number) in a bombed-out old building one night in a small town in the Middle East.  They sat at a round, black table in a dimly lit room and devoid of furniture except for the table.  Dressed in black robes, their head and face covered with black hoods, even their hands were gloved; their eyes were dark slits.

(Number One was speaking):  ". . . I taught the Anglo and the Afro sittin here with us tonight our language to give you some insight on whether their people can work together and with us.  Anglo.

(Anglo speaking): "We were more qualified -- militarily and intellectually -- to be in charge.  Our centuries of history before the Mayflower landed proves that --"
(a member interrupts):  I, too, lived in the United States, have read and seen pictures of that violence against the Afro people -- they can't identify with us and we can't feel what they do --"
(the Afro interrupts):  "On the one hand, feelings for some form of vengeance still lurk strong just beneath the skin in most, but, on the other hand, that conflicts in many of us with our gratitude, knowing that had it not been for that strong segregation we would have no more thoughts of being Afro people than those in Latin America calling themselves Latins -- why would an Afro person and an Indian call themselves Latin except that they have an inferiority complex and to avoid any overt struggle with the Mestizos . . ."
(another asks):  "How long have you been in our religion, Afro?"
(Afro speaks):   "I'm not in anybody's religion."
(a member asks): "What about you, Anglo?"
(Anglo speaks):  "I'm not in any religion, either, and I'm against terrorism."
(different voices): "What -- what -- what . . !"
(Number One speaks):  "I graduated from the university with them in their country.  We know each other well -- friendly enemies.  They play a key role in explaining the contradiction in the Afro people in the United States and Latin America.  Having no identity but borrowed Anglo or Spanish or French or Portugues they're perennial loose cannons.  In those demonstrations in that Floride town where one was killed while attacking a police one was carrying a huge sign with ISIS in big black letters written on it.  And politicians, preachers, athletes, and entertainers supported those marchers throughout the United States.  So whether we exploit them as cannon fodder or not, they've got to be dealt with . . . as we see fit."
(Afro speaks):  "You have to be hard with the young ones.  Many are loud-mouthed and undisciplined."
(Number One):  "We have methods to teach them to obey."


Saturday, February 21, 2015


"Excuse me, sir, you being the head of the D. D. D. -- Deep Down Do -- an anti-racist organization, and since there're about a trillion of these organizations  around I'd like to ask you a question."
"Is this a trick question . . .?  I'm funded by the government and if you think I'm gonna  risk my funds being unfunded you sho nuff mistaking . . ."

"No, no, no, I've interviewed about a hundred so far and they've suggested that if I'd turn this survey into an anti-racist thing they'd be glad to come in with me and we could make a permanent fortune from the government --"
"Money?  Now we can talk business.  What's your question?  The D. D. D. is about down with all that dumb 'make-us-all-equal' crap if it ain' bringing in no money . . ."

"Let me preface my question by saying that I've noticed that all these black, brown, Indian, and Asians never say anything about being racists themselves, they just focus on calling whites racists.  So my question is:  If the government offered to buy up land in some continent or country for you black people where you could play basketball and feel free of all these people you guys are always calling racists if they disagree with you about something would you move to it and build a nation?"
"You can't be serious -- who's gonna  rule us in this all black country?"

"Whomever you vote into office . . . somebody who hasn't been stagnating all his life in some black organizatiion whining about racism but has been around people experienced at governing millions of constituents with different cultures and religions . . ."
"We ain' got but one person sump'um like that -- and once he got in office the only time I heard him speak with sincere anger was in that speech when he said, '. . .The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet . . . !'  That really shook me cause I'm a Christian and I, like many others, voted for him, but now we wonder about him and we sho don't wanna make that emotional mistake again."

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Upside Down

He said:
"Sometimes I'm convinced that if our brains were in the place opposite to our head we'd have achieved opposite results years ago for problems that we charge with plaguing us.  I've seen pictures of people walking across red-hot coals in their bare feet.  Now, who would try that with their head?  I've often talked to my head, telling it to get me out of some situation before I got popped on my left ear, but I've never talked to my feet.  On wintry nights in this little town where I used to live, population 829, neighbors would visit my grandmother and they'd sit around our pot-bellied iron stove in in our shabby sitting room and tell ghost stories.  At a certain point if the ghost wasn't big enough I'd nod off, and my grandmother would see me every time.  'It's time for you to go to bed,' she would say.  I just knew that ghosts were waiting for me in my dark room.  We didn't have electricity.  We used a kerosene lamp and took it from room to room.  'I--uh--not sleepy,' I would say quickly,  half asleep, knowing she might pop me on my left ear for contradicting her.  'Boy, I see you nodding.'  My head would say "move",but my feet never budged, and her hand would shoot out and pop me one on the left ear.  Then off my feet would take me.

"Once when I was 9 years old and left the house to go to the store and was crossing a street, this car seemed to come slowly from out of no where and my forehead kissed its door as it passed and I fell back on my butt.  The driver stopped and hurried over to me, but I told him that I was okay, although I had a lump on my forehead.  I went back to the house and the moment I walked in my grandmother saw the lump and with a concerned look rushed over to me.  'What happened to you?' she said.  'I walked into a car,' I said.  'Fool, you too stupid not to walk into a car?'  Before my feet could move she had popped me one on my left ear.  If my brains had been in my feet I would not have immediatly gone back to the house after walking into that car and by now I would be experienced in talking to my feet instead of my head and wouldn't have my left ear bigger than the right ear and sometimes leaning unreasonably toward the left before realizing it and straightening up and walking right..

"But, on the other hand, since heat rises from the ground up, my feet would probably be telling me, 'Get me out of all this hot air.' "

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Democracy Blinked, Anarchy Winked

"When a police officer in a  town in Massachusetts had a slight misunderstanding with a black and you weren't even there, I thought:  'With all the economic problems and foreign policy headaches our country has why the hell is he sticking his nose in that local misunderstanding, agitating it racially, publicizing it nationally and internationally?'  "Is that when it happened?"
"No," he answered, grinning.  "You're smart enough to know the crowd I was playing to when I made that move."

"Was it after your people had taken over the educational system from kindergarten through colleges and universities and everybody had to remove all symbols of Christianity, not allow any Bibles around or Christians to speak on campuses?"
"Not then."

"Was it when that over 200-hundred pound teenager attacked a police officer in some Florida town and got killed and race-hustling scum rioted, loot'n and burning?"
"Not  then."

"Was it when preachers and scum-bag politicians and other race-hustlers exploited that Florida rioting and a black, weighing over 300 pounds died in New York while resisting arrest?"
"Not then, either."

"Was it when you spoke at the UN and included your concern for the disturbances in our cities and I wondered:  'If mobs are screaming in the streets against police and getting several police killed in our country what the hell business is it of empty-headed hustlers from starving, backward grass-hut countries?' "
"No.  After meek minds had been pounded for generations with guilt for being people of a strong, advanced culture and kicking butts -- as strong cultures always do to people in cultures not up to par militarily -- I wanted to go down in history for changing that . . ."

"You're going DOWN in history, no doubt about that, trying to justify the viciousness of terrorisrts by condemning Christians for defending themselves hundreds of years ago . . ."

". . . and I, one day, soothed these weak minds with 'There's only one America, we're one people.'  And they -- in spite of my lack of experience -- couldn't get into those voting booths fast enough,
making it easy  for me to openly  put my arms around a known race-baiter and trust a nation that hates Israel and wants a nuclear bomb."