Sunday, December 27, 2009


"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

". . . we put some kindlin' on them nigguhs heads didn' we?"

They broke out in raucous laughter, giving each other high-fives. There were eight or nine of them sitting around a table under a tree in the park. Could have been any park in any city in the United States. The city was sunny Los Angeles, 2009.

In 1972, some 37 years before, Richard Hatcher, the Afrikan American mayor of Gary, Indiana called for a national black convention to deal with the crime and violence in Afrikan American communities. Some 8000 delegates, Afrikan American political and civil-rights leaders and mayors attended the convention.

". . . you should'a seen the nigguh's eyes," one of the youths was saying, "when he seen my bat coming at his nigguh head --"

"Did'ja tune him up?" another said, smiles brightened faces in anticipation of laughter.

"Did I -- the nigguh's in the hospital ain't he?" The laughter came, fists pounding the table. Self-hate anyone?

At the Afrikan American convention in Gary, Indiana, the 8000 delegates had agreed that the CULTURAL CRISIS was the KEY CRISIS of Afrikan American life.

". . . but if the nigguh dies, you -- we all might go down," a youth at the table said.

"No problem," another scoffed. "We teenagers, they can't do nut'n to us . . ."

"And if we go to juvenile," another piped up, "we jes hook up wit' some mo' of our homies there . . ."

"Yeah," said another, "and if we git some lawyers and these nigguhs talking 'bout how we all come from broken homes and no daddies, and we po' young blacks wit' no role models -- shit, we ain't goin' no where . . ."

"Say that!" several around the table boasted, slapping high-fives.

In 1989, ABC hosted a 1-hour show narrated by three Afrikan American correspondents. Carol Simpson, one of the correspondents, put, in an experiment, pictures of black children and white children on a table and asked black children, "Who is the pretty one in this picture?" All of the black children pointed to the white children.

"Who is the smart one," she asked. All of the black children pointed to the white children. Those children are representative of what so-called Afrikan American "culture" has produced.

The moment one enters a Vietnamese or Korean or Chinese or Japanese or Hispanic or Italian or Arabic or Anglo or Jewish or Russian community, one knows it. The language of their respective culture is on their stores, shops, restaurants, theaters, and clubs. They have cultural centers teaching their unique language, names, dances, customs, history -- their unique identity. They have a strong cultural base, bond around it, promote it, and prosper.

Where is the Afrikan American cultural center that teaches and promotes Afrikan American culture in any Afrikan American community? There isn't one because there isn't any feature of an Afrikan American culture in existence, except for KWANZAA. And most of the people involved in that celebration -- after over forty years -- still can't correctly pronounce the Swahili words used in the celebration.

If Afrikan American "leaders" declared, some 37 years ago, that the CULTURAL CRISIS was the KEY CRISIS of Afrikan American life, what have they done about it. NOTHING.

Ninty-nine percent of "blacks" throughout the Western Hemisphere are still, in the 21st century, nothing more than shoddy examples of CARBON COPIES of Anglos or Spaniards or French people or Portuguese. A few are trying to melt into Arabic or Indian or Jewish culture.

Without a strong cultural base, "blacks" shall soon disappear as did the people who were Indians, but after the arrival of Spaniards they disappeared into "Latinos."

Let History Record It.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

OBAMA vs. AIR-HEAD "blacks"

"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

Get your RACE-CARD updated. They call themselves "The Guardians of Black Interests." Another group calls themselves "The Black Be-Heads." Some call them The Black AIR-HEADS. Finally, we have the "Chronicles Support Blacks." They're neither "black" nor news chronicles. If it weren't for white newspapers, magazines, and books we wouldn't know what in the hell was going on in the world, unless it concerned food stamps, welfare checks,and "whooping and hollering preachers."

These people are so ignorant, they don't realize that they're WALKING CONTRADICTIONS or they're "black" SCHIZOPHRENICS who don't know who or what in the hell they are!

Their only purpose for existing is to hear the "black" masses say: "Dey is defending us rights." On the one hand these AIR-HEADS are constantly demanding that "black" people be treated the same as all other American citizens while at the same time they're demanding that President Obama GIVE "black" people preferential treatment because they're "black."

They, these AIR-HEADS (CARBON COPIES who take their names, language, religion, and customs from whites) started criticizing and opposing Obama's economic proposals before he was in office a year because he didn't shape his proposals to FAVOR "black" people.

President Obama said: "The most important thing I can do for the African American community is the same thing I can do for the American community, period, and that is get the economy moving again and get people hiring again . . . It's a mistake to start thinking in terms of particular ethnic segments of the United States rather than to think that we are all in this together and we are all going to get out of this thing together . . . ."

When these "black" AIR-HEADS or IGNORAMOUSES or SCHIZOPHRENICS or whatever in the hell they are heard this they fell, screaming and slobbering at the mouth, on their shiny brown desks or computer keyboards or pulpits.

The words "economy moving" and "hiring" scared them to death. They knew that they couldn't play the RACE-CARD, their meal ticket, with him. Who drives the economy? WHITES.

Who creates the jobs and does the hiring? WHITES.

These CARBON COPIES have been whining about jobs for over a hundred years, and haven't created two jobs.

Those who raised President Obama never allowed AIR-HEAD HUSTLERS to pound him into that deep rut of tribal ignorance -- playing the RACE-CARD -- and that's why he's so much more intelligent than these "black" HUSTLERS who oppose him; ignorance hates intelligence.

Let History Record It

Saturday, December 12, 2009


"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

THE GREAT WHITE, BLACK, RED, YELLOW, BROWN HOPE explains it. It's "Win for our TRIBE, our TOWN, our STATE, our NATION."

It came out of that peculiar time in the twentieth century when the white tribe could dictate that only white men could be seen as Heavywwight Champion of the world; black men, therefore, were not allowed to compete for that title.

A non-black did not care and could not even imagine the anger and bitterness pulsating the blood stream of members of the black tribe, and remaining just below the surface of the skin with this act of overt oppression.

Enter Jack Johnson.

Not just in the pugilistic arena did members of the black tribe seeth from the oppresion. They seethed from its monumental presence in the employment market, public eating and sleeping accomodations, and in POLITICS.

For over two centuries the United States -- and the world -- had been so accustomed to only men from the white tribe being Presidents in countries where the white tribe was the overwhelming majority that when Barack Obama, a man from the black tribe, became President of the United States, it stunned the CONSERVER members of the white tribe, and shocked black tribes all over the world.

'A man from that black tribe is President of the United States,' the cry went out from the CONSERVERS, 'the most powerful nation in the world! Why that is unthinkable, unbelievable, and unacceptable! Didn't they see our CONSERVER candidate not even deign to look at that black man during their debates?

'We must pray that he fails! We must be against every proposal he makes to get us out of this financial and military mess! We must preach that he's linked to the Muslim terrorists, that he's a socialist, a communist -- and not even born in the United States!'

Enter Sarah Palin.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


"Shhh . . . what you are about to read is politically incorrect. Tafadhali, repeat only in whispers."

So-called 'black' culture breeds them with: "They stopped me for no reason, telling me that I fit the profile of a suspect they was looking for. They ain't got no business messing wit' me when I ain't done nothing -- they's racists and I know my rights. I tol' 'em to go to hell and git the shit out'er my face. They tried to cuff me, and I fought 'em -- all three of 'em, wit' they guns and clubs. They vench'ly took me down, but they knows um a man . . . ." That's the 'black' culture formula, taught by example.

You grow up hearing: "That's my son, he's a good boy and nobody can make me b'lieve he'd commit no crime" or "She's my child, a church-going child, and she wouldn' do nothing wrong -- it's racism, but they don't know who they messing wit'. Um gittin' the NAACP and that civil rights preacher, we puttin' a stop to this racist mess . . . ."

You're walking down a street in a 'black' community in the 1970s and you see cars pulling up to stop signs and traffic lights, and young 'blacks' run out to the cars, trying to sell drugs to the occupants, white or 'black'. Every fifteen or twenty feet, one approaches you. "You straight? You need any thang?" he asks. It's broad daylight, 'blacks' profiling themselves. Any passing policeman can arrest dozens. And race hustlers whine, "This racist profiling of black men is filling these jails and prisons with innocent black men . . ."

'Okay, sir,' the policeman says to the suspect, 'you and I know the profiles of each other we were given in our formative years, and there's been -- and still is -- evidence in these streets to support those profiles. But as a policeman I've been authorized by the government to keep the peace, and given a gun and a club to defend that authority and myself against disrespect. And as long as I wear this badge, that's what I'm gonna do.

'Once you and I accept that, we can resolve this problem that I stopped you for. Doesn't mean that those profiles we have of each other aren't always with us, just means that we have to try to stand above them -- if they don't apply to you and me -- but we're all profiled, policemen, lawyers, athletes, preachers, races, nationalities . . . .'

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Circumcising Girls

Fighting over female circumcism broke out at the City Council of Kindlin, Oklahoma, population 639, on Wednesday night, June 10, 1999. The chairman of Dare to be Different, a cultural organization, was reading his presentation to the Council when the altercation occurred. Below are excerpts from that report:

"Perhaps it is because Kindlin is a small prairie town surrounded by so much empty, arid land of tumbleweeds that we attract people accustomed to living on deserts and in the Bush in other countries -- and we have no problem with their presence here.

"What does disturb us, however, is that these people carry on cultural practices not in accordance with ours. One such practice is that of circumcizing young girls, cutting out their clitoris so that they will not enjoy sex, and, thus, are not likely to engage in it before their wedding night. In addition to cutting out the clitoris, they sew up the vagina and don't cut it open until their wedding night.

"This is a barbaric practice that began many centuries ago in the Dark Ages, using sharp-edged rocks to cut out the clitoris; later, broken glass was used -- and still used among many desert and bush people. Imagine the pain and suffering these young girls go through; many become infected and die, others bleed to death.

"We want a law passed against this barbaric practice because, as Afrikan Americans we know that many of our people -- those of us in Dare to be Different included -- are promoting an Afro-centric identity by identifying with cultural features of Afrikan ancestors who got off of those slave ships. We do this, however, selectively. We identify with Afrikan names, and with Swahili as our cultural language, and customs conducive to progress. We flush superstitious-ridden crap down the toilet.

"There are some Afrikan Americans, however, so stupid that they believe in witchcraft, throwing bones and dirt in the air to diagnose an illness. I suppose if one of them needs and operation, he'll use a sharp-edged rock as a knife --" The speaker was interrupted by loud protests. One protester was heard to say, "Y'all hear that? Somebody ought to kick his ass!"

" --- and some have withdrawn from our towns and cities," the speaker continued, "and live in grass huts; they go about bare foot, wearing only a cloth pulled around their loins, and the women walk about bare breasted, their breasts flopping.

"Now, many Afrikan Americans are so dumb and impressionable we just know that some are going to be circumcizing their young daughters --"

"He's criticizing black people!" some black in the audience screamed, jumping to his feet and throwing a chair at the speaker. That was when members of Dare to be Different and another faction of blacks began fighting.