Tuesday, September 25, 2012


For lack of an honest voice in their communities, they weren't told the truth about themselves; for lack of the truth about themselves they lacked a legitimate culture; for lack of a legitimate culture, their race disappeared.

She had three different emotions going at the same time.  The first emotion had been with her from the time her mother called her hair "nappy" or "bad hair" and started straightening it, and gave her a doll with blond hair.  Every day she combed, brushed, and caressed the doll's blond hair, and at night she slept with the doll in her arms.

The second emotion had come when she began feeling insecure about herself for not having blond hair, and she began looking with envy and anger at women with blond hair.  The third emotion came when a white man was smart enough to exploit that inferiority complex she had by introducing her to some chemicals to dye her hair blond.

"Lawdy, Jesus -- thank you, Jesus!  I been praying for this day all my life -- thank you, Jesus . . !"
"Just be calm," the man told her, "you'll get used to it."  And he thought:  Although with that blond hair, you don't look like a white woman.  You look more like a clown.
"The Bible say that a woman's hair is her glory -- and I done finally got me some glory -- thank you, Lawd Jesus!"

Friday, September 21, 2012

Ignorance Hates Intelligence

Thousands of "holy" men -- women not allowed -- rampaged through the streets.  One man screamed at another, "Grab something . . !"
"What . . ?"
"Rocks, bottles, sticks, bricks, anything -- this is 'Throw Day!  We standing up for our rights -- we ain't got nothing, the Americans got everything, money, big cars, big factories, schools -- even their women go to school, drive cars and buses, and vote and hold political offices!  Unthinkable!  The Americans have nuclear power, big guns -- throw something, anything, burn their flag -- kill 'em, they got everything, we ain't got nothing.  They've always had everything.  We ain't never had nothing -- kill 'em, it's their fault that we ain't go nothing, let's burn down something --"
"But we ain't got nothing . . ."
"Let's burn down something of theirs -- they think they're so intelligent and that we're so ignorant, we'll show 'em how we worship our God, show 'em our holiness -- riot, burn, loot, kill all those who don't worship our God --"
"Just like our brothers in the countries around us -- holy God! this is exciting.  I don't want rocks, I want guns.  Can we get some money from the Americans to buy guns to kill the Jews?"
"They won't give us money to do that."
"Tell 'em -- swear to 'em -- that we want democracy."

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ignorant Animal Mobs

"When the loot'n starts, the shoot'n starts," stated the sheriff in a Florida city during rioting by animals -- and we're all animals -- there in the '60s.  Now, animals are burning buildings -- what can a building do to you -- snarling and growling as usual, and murdering Americans trying to help them in the Middle East.

Reminds us that just because animals wear clothes, that doesn't mean that they're civilized.  We now have dogs walking around in shoes, britches, dresses, and hats.  Next, it'll be chickens --"

"Hold on, wait -- chickens aren't animals, they're fowls --"
"But don't they have a head, brains, a body, thighs, legs, and feet?"
"Of course . . ."
"In fact, they're already wearing garments (feathers) that cover them from head to foot, showing no flesh except their eyes and sometimes their feet.  And when we look at them, we wonder, "What kind of pitiful fool is this."
"You sound as if you're talking about some specific people . . ."
"I'm talking about chickens."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


If Wat'll Hee Doo doesn't make any sense, perhaps it's because something is missing from it.  The complete expressing is Wat'll Hee Doo - Wat'll Hee Daa - Wat'll Hee Doo Daa Waa.  Now that should be perfectly clear to anyone whose brain has been put in backwards.  The expression came about during a heated discussion in a town-hall meeting between the United Wee-Wees.  They had gathered to elect a president for their country, Wee-Wee Landia.

One contingent argued that "electing a president" should be changed -- considering the millions spent by the presidential candidates -- to "buying a president."  The faction opposing that change bellowed that a non-politician, a "new blood" was needed to govern the country.

"My fellow Wee-Wees," the chairman interjected, "the spirit in me calls for a compromise.  We need to unite around a candidate who has no money -- and doesn't know how to get any -- and will allow us  to write his platform.  He must be a political KNOW-NOTHING.  Do we have a candidate present?"

One lowly Wee-Wee stood up.  His old brown suit was filthy and tattered and several sizes too large for his short, skinny, drip-dry frame and his deeply gray mountainous hair was desheveled, and he looked as if he hadn't bathed in a decade.  "My name is Wat'll Hee Doo and I'm a political KNOW-NOTHING."

"My fellow Wee-Wees, get ready to rule the world," the chairman said.  "Mr. Wat'll Hee Doo is now a Wee-Wee candidate and the spirit tells me that his platform should be THE WAT'LL HEE DOO-WAT'LL HEE DAA-WAT'LL HEE DOO DAA WAA PLAN.  Now if thousands of people supported a candidate who wanted to govern our country with a plan based on some 9s, they will surely vote for a Wee-Wee."