Friday, September 21, 2012

Ignorance Hates Intelligence

Thousands of "holy" men -- women not allowed -- rampaged through the streets.  One man screamed at another, "Grab something . . !"
"What . . ?"
"Rocks, bottles, sticks, bricks, anything -- this is 'Throw Day!  We standing up for our rights -- we ain't got nothing, the Americans got everything, money, big cars, big factories, schools -- even their women go to school, drive cars and buses, and vote and hold political offices!  Unthinkable!  The Americans have nuclear power, big guns -- throw something, anything, burn their flag -- kill 'em, they got everything, we ain't got nothing.  They've always had everything.  We ain't never had nothing -- kill 'em, it's their fault that we ain't go nothing, let's burn down something --"
"But we ain't got nothing . . ."
"Let's burn down something of theirs -- they think they're so intelligent and that we're so ignorant, we'll show 'em how we worship our God, show 'em our holiness -- riot, burn, loot, kill all those who don't worship our God --"
"Just like our brothers in the countries around us -- holy God! this is exciting.  I don't want rocks, I want guns.  Can we get some money from the Americans to buy guns to kill the Jews?"
"They won't give us money to do that."
"Tell 'em -- swear to 'em -- that we want democracy."

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