Tuesday, September 8, 2009

War and Warriors

"What madness!" Who are these crazy people? Haven't they ever read a history book in school about war or read a novel about war or seen a movie about war? Don't they have any common sense?

"Make them accountable for their war crimes, they prattle up and down the airwaves and scribble in newspapers -- and even books. They're condemning former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for prosecuting a war against enemies who rage even now that all Americans -- including these enemies of Bush and Cheney -- of every hue and ethnic group must be destroyed, killed, wiped from the face of the Earth wherever we are found.

What crimes have Bush and Cheney committed? They were elected to office and charged with the responsibility of defending the United States, of protecting the lives of every man, woman, and child from barbarians who openly -- before the entire world -- vowed to kill all Americans.

Are these weak-kneed, weeping "things" crying crocadile tears merely playing politics with their dribble about prosecuting Bush and Cheney for war crimes? Don't they have any respect for truth and honesty? Don't they know that soldiers are warriors and in war they come at each other screaming and spraying bullets, driving bayonets through chests and stomachs and brains, asking no quarter, giving none, dying?

Every soldier wants to survive and knows that knowledge of the enemies' plans improves his chances of returning to his country alive to loved ones, relatives, girlfriend, wife, children, to peace.

Soldiers must question brutal, bloodthirsty, captured warriors trained to slaughter without mercy, to loath weakness. They must treat them, question them without "kid gloves." They are enemies.

As a famous American General has said: "War is Hell!"

1 comment:

  1. General G. Patton JR :)
    He is right, and also a necessary evil.
