Saturday, November 21, 2009

ARE THEY . . .

complete fools, these CONSERVERS? Don't they know that the more they try to beat up this one man, President Obama, to commit evil against him, to crucify him, the more the fair-minded, decent Americans and people throughout the world who love righteousness and want peace in the world will sympathize with him?

He's one man, and all these anti-Obama mobs are attacking -- like scumbag thugs. That is how scumbag gangs come at someone. They gang up on one person. That is how the old KKK always attacked. They never attacked a group of blacks, they attacked one black man or one black family, until more and more decent, righteous Christians and non-religious people took their Christian values seriously and rose up against them. We ask again: "Are these CONSERVERS the new KKK?"

Once again a noble soul with a message of peace has appeared on the world scene, and is being crucified by the forces of evil.

These CONSERVERS call themselves Christians -- as the KKK called themselves -- but are they so filled with hate for this black man, President Obama, that they don't care that they and their evil against him are an abomination to Jesus?

Jesus taught: "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called God's sons. Blessed are those persecuted on account of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

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