Saturday, May 9, 2015

Meat, Meet Meat

"I've been wanting to meet you, Meat, ever since we started that Hands-Up-Don't-Shoot business and I saw you decked out in yo' suit and tie and representing our meat on FOX, MSNBC, and CNN for the whole world to see us -- and I think them ICE-IS --"
"-- yeah, ICE-IS, they likes what we is doing in the streets against the police.  In fact, I heard that Eye-ran --"
"-- Ih-rahn."
"-- yeah, that Eye-ran man, I think they call him Eye-tol-yuh --"
"-- yeah, Eye-tol-yuh, spoke up for us meat people, too."

"Well, Meat, as long as meat is working down here in the Hood and people like us are on TV uptown, we've got them in locks . . ."
"They got to change quick, fast, and in a hurry if they want us to lighten up . . ."
"Meat, I know what we mean uptown when we say 'they,' but I'm not sure we're on the same page  --"
"In the Hood we mean anybody who don't put the blame for our problems on the people that we do."
"Then we together.  They hate us because we stand up for meat people and they're jealous that we can speak with such great substance."
"Every time I run it to 'em that they got to change the local, state, and federal police, the schools, teachers and students, lawyers and Judges, parents and their children, they walk it back on us, telling us that we got to change, too . . ."

"Well, Meat, I throw it to them that we're not going for that because all we've been doing all our lives is going through changes for them, got us scared to have hair -- even dumb animals have hair -- or an identity, language, and customs different from them."
"Thank God some of our big-shot politicians, athletes, and entertainers are meat people and do whatever we demand."
"By the time we get through changing everybody in this country if some of the old-timers who built it could come back I can see them crying at what they're seeing and hearing . . ."
"They think we ain' innerlekchuls --"
"Can't say that word, but we's it."
"Meat, it's been a pleasure, but I better get back uptown.  It wouldn't be to our advantage for them to see us togethr.  Keep up the good work, Meat."
"You, too, Meat."

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