Thursday, August 6, 2015

Bootlegging Racism

I spotted him in the Hood, coming out of a storefront campaign office of a community agitator.
"What's up, my friend?  Haven't seen you on the corners lately," I said, "with those items from questionable sources that you're always peddling."
"You might not believe this, but I've put that chump change aside.  I'm now into politics, into the big money."
"You . .?"
"You ever hear of bootleg racism?"
"No.  What's it about?"
"It's like moonshine.  Everybody knows that moonshine ain' a patented whisky, but it'll get you where you wanna go."
"Where you wanna go?"
"Where these bootleggers of racism are shoveling out greenbacks to anybody who'll riot, loot, burn, and claim that they're victims of racism . . . when one of these hoodlums is caught breaking the law and claims -- or his or her friends or relatives claim -- that the police arrested him or her -- or tried to -- because he or she was black, that's bootlegging racism . . ."

"Hey, I didn't know that you had those kind of serious thoughts . . ."
"I've kept them to myself, trying to stay under radar, but all this No Justice No Peace-business, and propaganda against the police, and hammering the United States about racism --"
"As if racism isn't all over the world -- and thank God or we wouldn't have the right to associate with whom we please."
"And that's what got me thinking -- I was in the Army, you know, and after that I was a seaman and every country I went to in this Hemisphers, blacks and Indians were on the bottom of the totem pole, educationally, economically, and politically, and nobody in those countries or those bootlegging racism in this country has said a word about that open racism . . . theses other countries in this Hemisphere -- and in the world -- are a hundred years behind our country in race relations . . ."

"You know I've often thought that if the Allies in World War II had attacked only the Nazis in Berlin, the Nazis would have won the war.  The Nazis had to be attacked everywhere . . ."
"I've had those same thoughts and that caused me to see local and national hypocritical politicians, especially in our communities, as securing their longevity in office by bootlegging racism . . ."
"Are you saying that bootleggers of racism are in the chain of power in this government?"
"Sho nuff."
This government has these bootleggers of racism looking under every grain of sand for a racist, I thought.  Soon someone will be coming to our doors, saying:  "The government selected me for you."
Then watch the murder rate go up.

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